
The Ministry of Education has introduced a package of preferential policies to help college students graduating in 2019 find jobs or start up businesses. The package includes 19 measures designed to offer better support to the graduates or the companies employing them, according to a circular published by the ministry. 
A total of 8.34 million college students are expected to graduate in 2019. The ministry is trying to give more incentives to those willing to work in grassroots units or remote rural areas, such as partial exemptions of student-loan payments. It pledged to work with other authorities in offering training allowances and tax concessions to micro, small or medium-sized companies hiring new graduates. 
The circular also promised support for graduates applying for internships or employment in international organizations. For those willing to start a business, the ministry proposed reforms on startup education at colleges, more guidance and services including financial support. 


1.What does the underlined word “preferential” mean in Chinese?

A 苛刻的.

B 落后的.

C 免费的.

D 优惠的.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句The Ministry of Education has introduced a package of preferential policies to help college students graduating in 2019.可知政府出台的政策是为了帮助大学生就业,所以应是优惠的政策,故选D。

2.How many college students are expected to graduate in 2019?

A 834 million.

B 83.4 billion.

C 8.34 million.

D 0.834 billion.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句A total of 8.34 million college students are expected to graduate in 2019.million是可知2019年预计将有834万大学毕业生,故选C。

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A The ministry is trying to give more incentives to those willing to work in grassroots units or remote rural areas.

B The ministry pledged to work with other authorities in offering training allowances and tax concessions to micro.

C The circular promised support for graduates applying for internships or employment in international organizations.

D The ministry didn’t propose reforms on startup education at colleges.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据全文最后一句For those willing to start a business, the ministry proposed reforms on startup education at colleges...可知对于那些愿意自主创业的人,教育部改革了大学生创业政策,故选D。

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A Better support and guidance for graduates.

B Preferential policies for graduates.

C Training allowances for graduates.

D Tax concessions for graduates.
