
When Zoologists observe chimpanzees, they take note of activities like fighting, playing, touching, and grooming. And it turns out you can learn a lot about humans—we are primates, after all—by observing the same behaviors in us.
"Not grooming, but you know, who was nice to who, who complimented who, who talked to who, all those kinds of things," said Laura Jones, an anthropologist at Emory University. The primates her team studied were surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists and other staff at three U.S. hospitals.
The researchers observed 200 surgeries, while logging behaviors like cursing and cowering, stomping or head shaking, joking and singing. And they found that conflict in the operating room surged when male surgeons' teams were mostly male; or when female surgeons were with mostly female teams. 
"I would say it would be a no-brainer if we found that all females were cooperative, but that's not what we found." Instead, the highest levels of cooperation occurred when a female surgeon had a male surgical team, and vice versa—perhaps, Jones says, because those mixed teams avoided male–male or female–female conflict. 
In fact, previous studies in primates—both human and non-human—have shown that competition is strongest between individuals of the same gender. The surgery findings are in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 


1.Which one was not the primate that Laura’s team studied?

A Surgeon.

B Nurse.

C Anesthesiologist.

D Teacher.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段The primates her team studied were surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists and other staff at three U.S. hospitals.可知她的团队的研究对象是来自美国三家医院的外科医生、护士、麻醉师和其他工作人员,故选D。

2.What did the researchers find when they studied the 200 surgeries?

A All females and males were cooperative in the operating room.

B There was no conflict in the operating room when male surgeons' teams were mostly male.

C The conflict in the operating room increased when male surgeons' teams were mostly male.

D The conflict in the operating room decreased when male surgeons' teams were mostly male.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段And they found that conflict in the operating room surged when male surgeons' teams were mostly male; or when female surgeons were with mostly female teams. 可知,当男外科医生团队中的成员大多数为男性、女外科医生团队中的成员大多数为女性时,手术室的冲突就会激增,故选C。

3.What did previous studies in primates show?

A Competition is strongest between individuals of the same gender.

B Competition is weakest between individuals of the same gender.

C Cooperation is weakest between individuals of different genders.

D Cooperation is strongest between individuals of the same gender.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段In fact, previous studies in primates—both human and non-human—have shown that competition is strongest between individuals of the same gender. 可知,关于灵长类先前研究表明同性个体之间的竞争最为激烈,故选A。

4.In which section of a newspaper can you find this passage?

A Entertainment.

B Science.

C Advertisement.

D Sports.
