
A bookseller in southern Italy is offering free books to schoolchildren who bring him one plastic bottle and one aluminum can to recycle. Michele Gentile founded the Ex Libris Cafe bookshop in Polla, a small town near Salerno. “My goal is to spread the passion and love for books among those people in Italy who do not usually read while at the time helping the environment. I hope the initiative becomes so popular that it affects the whole country. It will be revolutionary, not only for the planet but also for the education of children,” he said.
The books being donated for the initiative are the so-called “suspended books” , a concept introduced by Gentile a few years ago that earned him headlines in national media. The term was from the “suspended coffee” Neapolitan tradition, born during World War II, of purchasing two coffees: one for yourself and the second one as a gift for the next customer in need who walks into the bar. Similarly, Ex Libris customers can buy one book and leave the second one “suspended” for whomever needs it.
The idea for the “plastic/metal for books” recycling initiative came to Gentile while he was looking at a huge pile of metallic waste left abandoned on a field. “It was worth at least 300-400 euros ($338-$451), enough to pay for a middle school kid’s book allowance for a year,” he said. “So, I talked to a local school, and they organized an aluminum collection. Results were extraordinary, about $564 in two days.” With the money he got from the recycling center, Gentile bought books for a whole class.
His initiative, which involves individuals and schools, has already reached northern Italy, with children from Bordighera, in the Liguria region, sending him 23 bottles and 23 cans to recycle. “Yesterday alone, I donated 60 suspended books,” Gentile said. “Imagine if this becomes a small game: Every child in the world swaps a plastic bottle and a can for books. I know it’s just a dream, but why not do it?”


1.What is the aim of Michele Gentile’s initiative?

A To donate books to schoolchildren.

B To collect plastic bottles or aluminum cans for money.

C To make him popular around the whole country.

D To contribute to environmental protection and children’s education.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句My goal is to spread the passion and love for books among those people in Italy who do not usually read while at the time helping the environment.和最后一句It will be revolutionary, not only for the planet but also for the education of children可知他发起这项倡议的目的是既让孩子热爱读书,又能保护环境。故选D。

2.When people pay for the “suspended books”, that means ______.

A they will earn headlines in national media

B they should purchase coffee for the next one

C they donate one book for some other book-lovers

D they only need to pay for one of the two books they bought

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Similarly, Ex Libris customers can buy one book and leave the second one “suspended” for whomever needs it.可知顾客买“待用图书”是为其他需要图书的人准备的。故选C。

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the “plastic/metal for books” recycling initiative?

A Gentile got the idea after he found so much metallic waste left on a field.

B The initiative was supported by a local school immediately.

C The initiative has now attracted many people and schools.

D The initiative has been popular in the whole country at the moment.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句的His initiative, which involves individuals and schools, has already reached northern Italy可知他的这项倡议现在得到了很多个人和学校的支持,并且已经传到了意大利北部,但并未提到这项倡议已在全国得到响应。故选D。

4.What did Gentile think of his initiative?

A It was profitable.

B It was worthwhile.

C It was meaningless.

D It was imaginative.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句的I know it’s just a dream, but why not do it? 可知尽管他认为让全世界的孩子都能做到用塑料瓶或金属罐换书是一个梦,但这依然值得尝试,由此可推知他认为自己的这个倡议是非常值得推崇,非常有意义的。故选B。