
Chinese mobile carriers are expected to invest 1.2 trillion yuan (US$176.5 billion) in 5G by 2025, 50 percent more than their total 4G investment, Nomura said yesterday. Carriers including China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom, are expected to build over 4.9 million 5G macro base stations by 2025.
5G is a “game-changing” opportunity for carriers as they can explore new business like smart manufacturing, super high definition video and smart driving, instead of just being a “pipeline” for voice and data services.
China will issue “temporary” 5G licenses in several targeted cities this year. Consumers will be able to use the first batch of 5G smart-phones and tablet computers in the second half. It’s the first time that China’s top industry regulator clarified the 5G industry timeline, especially the debut of 5G phones.
But 5G services will become accessible to normal consumers later than expected. More work needs to be done to make the 5G industry mature, which won’t happen until 2020, said UBS recently. Enterprises and organizations, rather than consumers, will enjoy 5G services initially. The first batch of 5G services will be available to consumers in about 10 cities only.


1.Why is 5G a “game-changing” opportunity for carriers?

A Because they can explore new business like smart manufacturing, super high definition video and smart driving.

B Because they are just being a “pipeline” for voice and data services.

C Because they can make more money from it.

D Because they are expected to build more macro base stations.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段5G is a “game-changing”opportunity for carriers as they can explore new business like smart manufacturing, super high definition video and smart driving...可知5G对于运营商来说是一个“改变游戏规则”的机会,因为他们可以探索智能制造、超高清晰度视频和智能驾驶等新业务,故选A。

2.When will people be able to use the first batch of 5G products?

A In the second half of the year.

B One year later.

C Two years later.

D We don’t know.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Consumers will be able to use the first batch of 5G smart-phones and tablet computers in the second half.可知消费者将能够在今年下半年使用第一批5G智能手机和平板电脑,故选A。

3.How many cities will enjoy 5G services initially?

A 5.

B 8.

C 9.

D 10.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段第二句The first batch of 5G services will be available to consumers in about 10 cities only.可知第一批5G服务将只提供给10个城市的消费者,故选D。

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A Mobile carriers plan to spend big on 5G.

B 4G is unpopular in the world.

C Mobile carriers will make more money.

D People prefer to 5G rather than 4G.
