
India’s new high-speed train broke down on its first trip after hitting a cow on the tracks— just a day after it was launched. The Vande Bharat Express made its first journey from New Delhi to the Hindu holy city of Varanasi on Friday. But on its return the following day it collided with cattle causing the brakes to fail, according to Indian Railways. It comes after rail bosses were left red faced when they were laughed at for changing footage of the train on social media to make it look twice as fast. 
Soon after the collision with the cow, the drivers noticed smoke coming from the last four carriages and the electricity stopped working. “The train later experienced technical issues and stopped on the way to Delhi,” Indian Railways spokeswoman Smita Vats Sharma said.
The accident is the latest controversy for the express train—considered as India’s fastest and a special project of Modi’s government. Last week India’s rail minister Piyush Goyal was also mocked after he tweeted a digitally changed video of the train passing by a station at lightning speed.
The Vande Bharat Express, considered as India’s fastest train, was built under the Modi government’s ambition “Make in India” programme. Cattle obstructions on roads and rail tracks are common in India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh state where Saturday’s collision happened. Since coming to office, Modi’s party stopped the killing of cows, which has led to a crisis in the number of cattle. India is struggling to upgrade its railway system, which relies on outdated infrastructure to transport 23 million travellers each day. The locally-made express train has a top speed of 180 kilometres an hour, 20 percent quicker than the next fastest train in service.


1.Which of the following in NOT true about India’s new high-speed train?

A It broke down the next day on its first trip.

B Its breakdown was caused by a cow.

C It was named The Vande Bharat Express.

D Its collision with the cow happened on the way from New Delhi to Varanasi.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句The Vande Bharat Express made its first journey from New Delhi to the Hindu holy city of Varanasi on Friday. But on its return the following day it collided with cattle causing the brakes to fail, according to Indian Railways.可知事故发生在这辆新高铁从瓦拉纳西返回的路上,而非去的路上。故选D。

2.How did the rail bosses feel after the accident according to the passage?

A They felt upset.

B They felt worried.

C They felt shamed.

D They felt indifferent.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句It comes after rail bosses were left red faced when they were laughed at for changing footage of the train on social media to make it look twice as fast. 可知此前,铁路老板们因为在社交媒体上修改列车的镜头,使其看起来快了一倍而遭到嘲笑,而现在又发生了这样的事故,这让他们颜面大失,因此他们应该会感到羞愧。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “mocked” in the third paragraph mean ?

A Got off.

B Made up.

C Ran after.

D Laughed at.

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句的were left red faced when they were laughed atfor changing footage of the train on social media to make it look twice as fast和画线单词所在句子中的also一词和语境可知mocked的意思应为“嘲笑”。故选D。

4.What can we get from the last Paragraph?

A The Vande Bharat Express has been the fast train in the world.

B The Moody’ s government protects cattle while improving the current railway system.

C The current railway system in India has completely upgraded the outdated infrastructure.

D The second fastest train in service in Indian has a speed of 216 kilometers per hour.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句The Vande Bharat Express, considered as India’s fastest train, was built under the Modi government’s ambition “Make in India” programme.和第三句Since coming to office, Modi’s party stopped the killing of cows, which has led to a crisis in the number of cattle. 可知莫迪政府既注重改善当前的铁路系统,同时也注重保护牛。故选B。