

For 65 years Harry and Mavis Stevenson stayed to love each other in sickness and in health. and when she died just 48 hours after her 89th birthday, he could not bear to be without her.

Yesterday their nephew Stephen Cresswell told how 88-year-old Mr Stevenson died within minutes of his beloved wife after they spent their last night holding hands while they slept in a care home.

‘It was less than ten minutes later. He was lying next to her in another bed at the time. They stayed in the same room in the care home and the staff had pushed the beds together the night before.

‘They told me he was holding her hand all that final night.’

The couple met at the age of 16 and fell in love with each other before Harry became a soldier in the Second World War on his 17th birthday in 1943. But wherever he was he wrote to his sweetheart – even after he was shot in the hand.

Mr. Cresswell said: ‘They wanted to be together. They were as close as any couple I have known. They were never angry to each other and were soulmates.’


1.How old was Mavis Stevenson when she died?

A 65

B 89

C 48.

D 88

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第1段and when she died just 48 hours after her 89th birthday可知,故选B。

2.Where were Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson when they died?

A In a care home.

B In their house.

C In the hospital.

D In their nephew’s house.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。从第2段…they spent their last night holding hands while they slept in a care home可知。故选A。

3.What was Mr. Stevenson doing when his wife died?

A Having breakfast.

B Reading a book.

C Holding her hand.

D Watching TV.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第4段They told me he was holding her hand all that final night.可知,故选C。

4.What did Harry do when he was in the army?

A Sent emails to Mavis.

B Telephoned Mavis.

C Wrote letters to Mavis.

D Flew to see Mavis.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从倒数第2段But wherever he was he wrote to his sweetheart – even after he was shot in the hand.可知,故选C。

5.Which of the following is Right?

A Harry was a child when the First World War happened.

B Harry was not born when the First World War happened.

C Harry met Mavis when he was a soldier.

D Harry married Maris in the Second World War.

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。Harry1943年去参军时17岁,而一次世界大战爆发于1914年,故可得知一战爆发时,Harry还未出生,排除A答案;Harry是在遇见Mavis后才去参军,而不是参军后遇见Mavis,排除C答案;文中未明确提到他们什么时候结婚,故不可能选D答案;故选B。