
Richard Overton was in his mid-30s when he began serving in World War II. It was perhaps the most important thing he did in his life, but it was far from the last. Overton, who died Thursday after battling pneumonia, was 112. He was believed to be America’s oldest man, as well as its oldest living World War II veteran.
He’d also spent decades on the furniture business, lived in his East Austin home for more than 70 years and had become something of a celebrity as he passed 108, 109 and later 112. The older he got, the more his charm wowed the folks around him. 
“With his quick wit and kind spirit he touched the lives of so many, and I am deeply honored to have known him,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Thursday. “Richard Overton made us proud to be Texans and proud to be Americans.” He “lived his life with honor and dignity,” President Barack Obama said in 2013. “Everything we do with Mr. Overton turns magical,” a friend, Allen Bergeron, said during a 2018 tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington.
Overton, of course, had made history himself. Overton was born on May 11, 1906 in Bastrop County, Texas, a grandson of a Tennessee slave. He volunteered for the Army in his 30s and served in the Pacific Theater from 1942 to 1945. He had been at Pearl Harbor after the Japanese attacked, as well as Okinawa, a county in Japan and Iwo Jima.
At 112, Richard Overton was still sharp mentally but had been in hospital seven times in 14 months, cousin Volma Overton Jr. said. He had no children. He’d married twice; he and his first wife divorced in the 1920s, and his second wife died in the 1980s. Overton Jr. said his cousin outlived almost everyone in his family.


1.How did Richard Overton lose his life?

A He died of old age.

B He died of pneumonia.

C He died from the wounds in World War II.

D He died of illness in World War II.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句Overton, who died Thursday after battling pneumonia, was 112.可知他是死于肺炎。故选B。

2.What made Richard Overton a celebrity?

A His success in the furniture business.

B His 70-year-old house in East Austin.

C His longevity and unique personality charm.

D His legendary experiences during World War II.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段第一、二句的had become something of a celebrity as he passed 108, 109 and later 112. The older he got, the more his charm wowed the folks around him. 可知应是他的长寿和独特的人格魅力让他出了名。故选C。

3.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A People in America spoke highly of Richard Overton.

B Richard Overton had quick wit and kind spirit.

C President Barack Obama praised Richard Overton.

D Everything Richard Overton did with his friends was magical.


4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Richard Overton joined World War II when he was about 35.

B Richard Overton inspired many people in America.

C Richard Overton was born in a slave family in Tennessee.

D Richard Overton lived longer than any other family members.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句Overton was born on May 11, 1906 in Bastrop County, Texas, a grandson of a Tennessee slave. 可知奥弗顿的祖父虽然曾经是田纳西州的一个奴隶,但奥弗顿出生在德克萨斯州,而非田纳西州。故选C。