
Parents who question criticism of their children have made school reports changed as teachers are no longer honest in their content. Dr Julian Murphy, headteacher at the £12,000-a-year school Loughborough Amherst School has claimed in order not to conflict with parents, teachers are dishonest in their remarks on paper. 
Rather than be brutally honest, teachers will use different descriptive words for children such as “chatty” and “high spirited”—instead of saying they are disruptive. The headteacher of the school in Leicestershire said those words used to fill the pages means reports are no longer worth doing. “When I went to school, you would get reports that say ‘so and so is extremely lazy or arrogant’. But now no one says that—it would upset parents.”
“Then when parents say ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me there was a problem?’ teachers say ‘Well, we did’. But they did it too politely. It is a cultural change—now parents are more likely to say to teachers, ‘You have upset my child. You have damaged their confidence. The problem isn’t my child. It’s you’.”
Dr Julian Murphy added, “Speaking as a parent, if my son or daughter is being badly behaved, I want to know. I don’t want to be told they are chatty. I don’t think traditional school reports are worth doing—they waste a lot of teacher time and they are not necessarily particularly useful for parents. Parents are busy people. They don’t want to read through the reports about how ‘Jane is a lovely girl’. They already know she is a lovely girl. They live with her. They want to know where she is, what she can achieve, where the gap is and how we close it.’"


1.What has made the teachers no longer honest from Paragraph 1?

A Children’s criticism.

B Parents’ attitudes.

C Students’ behaviors.

D School rules.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第一段第一句Parents who question criticism of their children have made school reports changed as teachers are no longer honest in their content.可知有家长对老师批评他们的孩子提出质疑,而这种质疑的态度导致了老师们不再在成绩报告单中真实地反映学生的表现。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “disruptive” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A Making trouble.

B Causing unrest.

C Being well behaved.

D Operating in an abnormal way.


3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A The words teachers used in the reports today would upset parents.

B Parents would know their children’s problems from the school reports.

C It was the teachers who were to blame for the students’ bad behaviors.

D The change of the school reports is actually rooted in the cultural change.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句It is a cultural change—now parents are more likely to say to teachers, ‘You have upset my child, you have damaged their confidence, the problem isn’t my child, it’s you’.可知导致现在的成绩报告单发生改变的根本原因在于社会文化的变迁。故选D。

4.How did Dr Julian Murphy like the traditional school reports nowadays?

A It was helpful.

B It was lovely.

C It was useless.

D It was necessary.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句I don’t think traditional school reports are worth doing—they waste a lot of teacher time and they are not necessarily particularly useful for parents.可知Dr Julian Murphy认为这样的学生成绩报告单是不值得做的。故选C。