
Left-behind children—who live in rural areas while at least one parent is away working as a migrant—are easier to suffer from psychological problems and physical injuries, according to a report. Such children face more psychological difficulties starting at age 6, and the gap widens with age.
More than 90 percent of the children were cared for by grandparents, whose average age was 59. More than 70 percent of the grandparents had no more than a primary school education. It is said that the grandparents’ lower educational levels made it less likely they would adequately deal with the children’s emotional needs, making it more likely the children would develop psychological problems. Many of the children also had to take care of their own daily needs, as well as sharing household and farming duties.
The survey found that the left-behind children had fewer skills and less instruction on safety, making them more likely to get injuries from accidents than children who live with both parents. Of the left-behind group, boys were more likely to suffer injuries due to accidents, the report said.
Overall, China’s total migrant population has continued to decrease since 2015. Last year, it was 244 million, a drop of 820,000 from the previous year. The total number of left-behind children in rural areas was about 7 million by the end of August, a decrease of 22.7 percent from 2016, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Several factors have contributed to the drop in left-behind children, such as more children staying together with their parents and migrating to cities, more migrant workers returning to their hometowns to find jobs, and more parents realizing the importance of spending time with their children, according to Ni Chunxia, an official in social affairs at the ministry.


1.What will happen to the left-behind children as they grow according to Paragraph 1?

A They will learn to protect themselves better.

B They will face more psychological difficulties.

C They won’t suffer from physical injuries at all.

D They won’t face any psychological problems any more.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Such children face more psychological difficulties starting at age 6, and the gap widens with age.可知随着年龄的增长,留守儿童会面对更多的心理问题。故选B。

2.Why did the left-behind children have psychological problems?

A All of them were taken care of by their grandparents.

B Their grandparents were too old to take good care of them.

C Their grandparents’ education was too low to satisfy their emotional needs.

D They were forced to look after themselves and share the housework as well.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句It is said that the grandparents’ lower educational levels made it less likely they would adequately deal with the children’s emotional needs, making it more likely the children would develop psychological problems.可知留守儿童的祖父母受教育程度极低,这让他们不知道如何满足孩子们的情感需要,因而导致这些孩子容易产生心理问题。故选C。

3.Why were the left-behind children easier to get injuries from the passage?

A They didn’t live with their parents.

B They were lack of safety skills and instruction.

C They met with more accidents than children with parents around.

D Boys of the left-behind group were more likely to cause accidents.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句The survey found that the left-behind children had fewer skills and less instruction on safety, making them more likely to get injuries from accidents than children who live with both parents.可知是由于缺少安全技能和安全方面的指导才让这些留守儿童更容易遭受身体伤害。故选B。

4.What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?

A China’s total migrant population has dropped to 820,000.

B The total number of left-behind children will decrease sharply soon.

C All parents have understood the importance of staying with children.

D The problem of left-behind children has aroused people’s attention.
