
A tsunami that struck Indonesian coastlines without warning Saturday night killed at least 281 people, left hundreds injured and more than two dozen missing, officials said. Eyewitnesses described fleeing for their lives as homes along the beach were swept away in the tsunami, which is thought to have been caused by underwater landslides following the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa. An official warned Sunday that as long as the volcano remains active, more tsunamis are possible.
According to local media, the wave reached as high as three meters (10 feet). A crowd was watching Indonesian pop band Seventeen at a show organized by state-run electric company PLN at the Tanjung Lesun beach resort when the massive wave crashed through the stage and threw it into the audience. The band’s bass player and manager were killed, lead singer Riefian Fajarsyah said in a tearful video posted on Instagram. Three other members of Seventeen and Fajarsyah’s wife—whose birthday is Sunday—are still missing, he said.
According to Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of public relations at Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency, 843 people were injured and another 28 are still missing. At least 558 houses were destroyed, while nine hotels, 60 restaurants and 350 boats were heavily damaged, an indication of the tsunami’s impact on residential and tourist areas. No foreigners had been reported killed or injured.
Nugroho warned Sunday that the threat might not be over. “Krakatoa continues to erupt, and there remains a possibility that it could bring another tsunami,” Nugroho said in an interview with Kompas TV. “We are cautioning people to remain cautious,” Nugroho said. “Agencies are still continuing to analyze the root cause.”


1.What caused the tsunami?

A The landslides.

B The underwater.

C The underwater landslides caused by volcanic eruption.

D The 3-meter-high wave.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Eyewitnesses described fleeing for their lives as homes along the beach were swept away in the tsunami, which is thought to have been caused by underwater landslides following the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa.可知此次海啸是由喀拉喀托火山喷发后引起水下山体滑坡而造成的。故选C。

2.What were people doing when the tsunami happened according to Paragraph 2?

A Enjoying the music.

B Watching a show in the PLN company.

C Posting videos on Instagram.

D Having a birthday party.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句A crowd was watching Indonesian pop band Seventeen at a show organized by state-run electric company PLN at the Tanjung Lesun beach resort when the massive wave crashed through the stage and threw it into the audience.可知那些人当时正在听音乐会。故选A。

3.How many foreigners were killed in the tsunami?

A 0.

B 28.

C 558.

D 843.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句No foreigners had been reported killed or injured.可知没有外国人死伤。故选A。

4.Why did Nugroho warn people to be cautious?

A The threat will not be over from then on.

B The continuous eruption of Krakatoa may cause a new tsunami.

C The agencies haven’t analyzed the root cause of the tsunami.

D Another tsunami is already on the way.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“Krakatoa continues to erupt, and there remains a possibility that it could bring another tsunami,” Nugroho said in an interview with Kompas TV.可知喀拉喀托火山仍在持续喷发,很可能引发新海啸,因此Nugroho提醒民众要小心。故选B。