
North and South Korea are planning to discuss co-hosting the 2032 Summer Olympics with the International Olympic Committee in 2019, according to South Korean press reports.
 Seoul Pyongyang News and other news services reported Friday the two Koreas will host a meeting on the 2032 Summer Games on Feb. 15, in Lausanne, Switzerland. A joint entry of the North and South teams at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics and the 2020 Summer Games is also being explored, according to reports, following a meeting of North and South officials in Kaesong, North Korea.
Roh Tae-gang, South Korea’s vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, and the North’s Won Gil U led the meeting on Friday, which comes after initial discussions on the 2032 Olympics on Nov. 2. The two Koreas agreed on Friday to send a letter to the IOC, signaling their intent to co-host the 2032 Summer Games. The two sides are also discussing practical matters related to joint training and the formation of a single Olympic team for the 2020 Games in Tokyo.
In a statement to CNN Sport, IOC president Thomas Bach said the organization welcomes plans for a joint bid.
Athletes from North and South Korea marched under a unified flag at the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, and in ice hockey the women competed as a unified team, helping ease tensions on the peninsula.
After we opened the door for political talks with the joint march of the two Korean teams at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018, sport could once more make a contribution to peace on the Korean Peninsula and the world, Bach said. We sincerely wish that these political talks produce the necessary progress for a successful candidature.

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1.Where will North and South Korea discuss their plan of the 2032 Summer Olympics?

A In Lausanne.

B In Tokyo.

C In Kaesong.

D In Seoul.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Seoul Pyongyang News and other news services reported Friday the two Koreas will host a meeting on the 2032 Summer Games on Feb. 15, in Lausanne, Switzerland.可知朝韩双方将在瑞士洛桑讨论共同申办2032年夏季奥运会的计划。故选A。

2.What is TRUE about the meeting led by Roh Tae-gang and Won Gil U?

A It was held on November 2.

B It had the initial discussions on the 2032 Olympics.

C The two sides at the meeting were to write to the IOC about their plans for a joint bid.

D The two sides wouldn’t discuss competing as a unified team at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. 

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句The two Koreas agreed on Friday to send a letter to the IOC, signaling their intent to co-host the 2032 Summer Games.可知朝韩双方在周五举行的会议上同意给国际奥委会写信,表达他们想联合举办2032年夏季奥运会的意愿。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “ease” mean in Paragraph 5?

A Create.

B Relieve.

C Strengthen.

D Increase.


4.What can’t we get from Bach’s words in the last paragraph?

A The IOC made the political talks between the two countries possible with joint sports events.

B The two countries once jointly competed at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018.

C Sport plays an important role in bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula and the world.

D The political talks between the two sides will certainly make the candidature successful.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句We sincerely wish that these political talks produce the necessary progress for a successful candidature.可知巴赫只是期望双方的政治谈判会对联合申办奥运会取得成功起到推动作用,而非肯定双方的政治谈判一定会促成联合申奥成功。故选D。