
157 new species were discovered in the Greater Mekong Region last year, according to a new report from the World Wildlife Fund. Three mammals, 23 fish, 14 amphibians, 26 reptiles and 91 plant species were found in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, in some of remote mountainous and dense jungle areas, as well as isolated rivers and grassland.
However, experts warned that many more undiscovered species will be lost due to the damage of the forests, climate change and the illegal wildlife trade. “There are many more species out there waiting to be discovered and unfortunately, many more will be lost before that happens,” Stuart Chapman said. “It doesn’t have to be this way. Ensuring that large reserves are designated for wildlife, along with increased efforts to close illegal wildlife trade markets, will go a long way to protecting the wildlife in the Mekong region.”
Much of the wildlife described in the new report is already at risk of population loss or even extinction. Of the new mammals discovered, the Skywalker Hoolock Gibbon was first sighted in mid-2017 and named after the “Star Wars” character. Already however, it is the 25th most endangered primate in the world and faces a risk to its survival due to habitat loss and hunting.
Despite the challenges, Lee Poston, spokesman for the WWF in the Greater Mekong area, said the new report was great. “By showing these incredible discoveries by hundreds of the world’s scientists, we are sending a message that even though the threats are immense to wildlife in the Greater Mekong, there is still hope for the future, because so many amazing new species are being discovered all the time,” he said.

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1.What can’t we get from Paragraph 1?

A 157 new species were discovered in the Greater Mekong Region in 2017.

B Among the new species, the number of mammals is the smallest.

C The Greater Mekong Region covers Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.

D The new species could only be found in the remote mountainous and dense jungle areas.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的in some of remote mountainous and dense jungle areas, as well as isolated rivers and grassland可知在一些偏远的山区、茂密的丛林以及人迹罕至的河流地区和草原上都可以发现这些新的物种。故选D。

2.What worried the experts?

A People had difficulty in discovering new species.

B More species out there waited to be discovered.

C Some trade markets didn’t sell the wildlife at all.

D Some undiscovered species might face the danger of extinction.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段第一句However, experts warned that many more undiscovered species will be lost due to the damage of the forests, climate change and the illegal wildlife trade.可推知专家们担心很多未被发现的物种会在被发现之前就灭绝了。故选D。

3.Why is the Skywalker Hoolock Gibbon facing a risk to its survival?

A People didn’t set up reserves for it.

B Human’s activities threatened its living place and life.

C The climate is changing greatly in its living place.

D Some people treated it as a “Star Wars” character to have fun.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句Already however, it is the 25th most endangered primate in the world and faces a risk to its survival due to habitat loss and hunting.可知是因为栖息地的丧失以及人类的猎杀使这种猿类面临生存威胁的。故选B。

4.Why did Poston say the new report was great?

A The future is really hopeful for many new species can always be discovered.

B The discoveries were made by hundreds of the world’s scientists.

C The challenges to WWF in the Greater Mekong were not so large.

D The wildlife in the Greater Mekong didn’t face immense threats any more.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句的we are sending a message that even though the threats are immense to wildlife in the Greater Mekong, there is still hope for the future, because so many amazing new species are being discovered all the time可知这份报告中体现了新的物种在不断被发现,未来是充满希望的,所以他认为这份报告很棒。故选A。