黑龙江漠河-43.5℃现冰雾 游客大玩“泼水成冰”
黑龙江漠河-43.5℃现冰雾 游客大玩“泼水成冰”

Rare ice fog gripped the Chinese city of Mohe in the north of the country after temperatures suddenly dropped to a bitter -43.5℃ on December 6, according to Chinese media. The Mohe authority announced that temperatures fell to minus 41.1 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, minus 42.1 on Wednesday and minus 43.5 on Thursday.
A cold front approached the northern city on Monday, causing temperatures to drop by between 12 and 20 degrees Celsius. Authorities were forced to issue the city’s first-ever red warning for cold weather. The Heilongjiang Meteorological Bureau also issued an orange warning for cold weather.
Visibility was reduced to less than 100 meters, which made driving difficult, but the conditions did not decrease the spirits of some brave tourists, who went outside to witness the meteorological phenomenon and have fun. Videos on social media showed people throwing water into the freezing air, causing it to turn to ice immediately.
Ice fog only occurs in the world’s coldest regions, as drops of water staying in air can remain in liquid form down to temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius. It is a phenomenon regularly witnessed in the Arctic and Antarctic, but can also form at extreme northern and southern latitudes, in regions including Alaska and northern Russia.
Mohe is located in the Heilongjiang Province bordering Russia, and is the northern city in the country. The city is often referred to as “China’s Arctic town”, and is one of the few locations in China to have such climate. Winter in the city begins in early mid-October and lasts until late April, and average temperatures stay below freezing for about seven months of the year.

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1.Which day is the coldest from the 1st paragraph?

A Monday.

B Tuesday.

C Wednesday.

D Thursday.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句The Mohe authority announced that temperatures fell to minus 41.1 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, minus 42.1 on Wednesday and minus 43.5 on Thursday. 可知周四是最冷的。故选D。

2.What did the Mohe Authorities do when temperatures dropped greatly?

A They issued a red warning for cold weather.

B They reported an orange warning.

C They suspended their work.

D They handed out warm clothes.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Authorities were forced to issue the city’s first-ever red warning for cold weather.可知他们发布了关于严寒天气的红色预警。故选A。

3.Why did people throw water in the freezing air?

A They wanted to make driving easy.

B They decided to show they had high spirits.

C They were just to have fun seeing the water turn to ice immediately.

D They tried to show they were very brave.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句的but the conditions did not decrease the spirits of some brave tourists, who went outside to witness the meteorological phenomenon and have fun. Videos on social media showed people throwing water into the freezing air, causing it to turn to ice immediately.可推知他们往空中洒水是为了享受水立即变成冰的乐趣。故选C。

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A Ice fog is a meteorological phenomenon occurring in the world’s coldest regions.

B Ice fog is often witnessed in the Arctic and Antarctic.

C Mohe in the Heilongjiang Province is not far from Russia.

D The temperatures below freezing in Mohe can last about seven months.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句Winter in the city begins in early mid-October and lasts until late April, and average temperatures stay below freezing for about seven months of the year. 可知是漠河的平均温度,而不是普遍温度。故选D。