
Many cities in China are exploring stricter measures to protect drivers and harsher punishment for ill-behaved passengers. These actions were taken because a woman in Chongqing attacked a bus driver. The video found in the bus camera showed the woman, who had missed her stop and required the driver to stop immediately but was refused, began to hit the bus driver with her mobile phone. The driver fought back and lost control of his bus which ran over the double solid line, knocked against another car in its normal driving and finally broke the guard bar of the bridge and fell into the Yangtze River. The accident killed 15 people, leaving no one in the bus alive, including the woman and the driver. 
Nanjing in Jiangsu Province promises to install doors that separate the driver from the passengers on some 8,000 buses by 2019, People's Daily reported. Wuhan in Hubei Province will replace 6,100 older buses with new models equipped with protective doors by 2025, Wuhan Evening News reported. Some places have already started to take stricter legal measures against passengers who misbehave. A local court in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, sentenced three individuals in three separate cases to three years in prison with reprieve. All three had physically clashed with bus drivers, causing traffic accidents or injuries to passengers, Xinhua reported. Media reports have found at least 24 incidents of passengers grabbing the steering wheel of a bus in 2018.   

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:微信:13350077298   QQ:757722345)

1.Why did the woman attack the driver?

A Because she felt uncomfortable.

B Because the bus was slow.

C Because she was late for work.

D Because she missed her stop.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句The video found in the bus camera showed the woman, who had missed her stop and required the driver to stop immediately but was refused, began to hit the bus driver with her mobile phone.可知这位女士攻击司机是因为自己错过了站点要求司机立即停车被拒,故选D。

2.How many people were in the bus when the accident happened?

A 2.

B 14.

C 15.

D 16.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句The accident killed 15 people, leaving no one in the bus alive, including the woman and the driver.可知事故死了15人,无一人生还,包含司机和肇事者,因此车上总共15个人,故选C。

3.How many buses will be replaced by 2025 in Wuhan?

A 2019.

B 2025.

C 6100.

D 8000.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Wuhan in Hubei Province will replace 6,100 older buses with new models equipped with protective doors by 2025.可知武汉计划在2025年之前淘汰掉6100辆车,故选C。

4.What does the underlined word “misbehave” mean in Chinese?

A 有礼貌.

B 匆忙.

C 举止失礼.

D 守规矩.


5.What can we learn from this passage?

A The driving environment should be enforced to guarantee the safety.

B Drivers should stop the vehicle immediately when conflicts happen.

C Accidents could be avoided by separating the driver from passengers.

D Careless and impatient drivers may cause great harm to many people.
