
Novelist Amanda Brookfield has discovered the power of dogs—or, at least, of her own, named Mabel. Her care on her dog will be recognized by all dog lovers—“feeling her warm little body and her heart beating ... The desire to love and protect ...”
“I know all too well what it is to be ‘saved’ by a dog.” Two things hurt her deeply. Twenty years after her father’s death, she just missed her beloved mother’s passing. Then, it was another man who made her upset. The year after her mother died, someone she loved deeply ended the relationship. Brookfield tells us nothing about him, except that he made her understand the meaning of “heartbreak”. The two combined. “Missing my mother, I felt as if I had lost my past. Now, with this new sorrow, it was as if I had lost my future, too.” 
She became depressed—unable to write or read or take care of herself—and totally consumed by grief. Something had to happen: a drastic change. It was then that she thought of getting a dog, even though her sisters and brother disagreed. Dogs will need much care, they warned. And would she, a writer, help the walks, the training? But the woman and the dog quickly became good friends. There are so many lessons to be learned, such as walking the dog in the park, making the dog’s coat . . . After all, who will look after the dog and when you want to go away?
But her love for the dog made all end well and, soon, Brookfield cannot bear to leave her pooch. Living with her dog, protecting her and loving her puts the author back in charge of her own life. After all, men may come and go, but a dog will always trust you and love you. Amanda Brookfield finds her life changed and improved. 

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1.How can the dog lovers know Amanda Brookfield love her dog?

A The power she gets from the dog.

B The way she treats the dog.

C The desire to recognize the dog.

D The feelings she has for the dog.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Her care on her dog will be recognized by all dog lovers—“feeling her warm little body and her heart beating ... The desire to love and protect ...” 可知爱狗人士可以从她对待小狗的方式上看出她对小狗的爱。故选B。

2.What was Amanda Brookfield’s new sadness?

A The sudden death of her father.

B Her beloved mother’s passing.

C Breaking up with a man.

D Losing the future.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第五句The year after her mother died, someone she loved deeply ended the relationship.可知在继母亲去世后,她深爱的一位男士和她分手了,这是她新的伤痛。故选C。

3.Why did her sisters and brother disagree with her?

A She might not take good care of the dog as a writer.

B She would have many lessons.

C She couldn’t walk very fast.

D She couldn’t write books.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段第四、五句Dogs will need much care, they warned. And would she, a writer, help the walks, the training?可知小狗需要许多照顾,而她作为一名作家可能无法提供如此多的照顾,因此他们不同意她养狗。故选A。

4.The underlined word “pooch” may refer to the_______.

A love

B dog

C author

D life

解析:选B。词意指代题。根据第四段第一句But her love for the dog made all end well可知她对小狗的爱让生活变得顺利起来,因此她无法忍受与小狗分开,据此可知该词指代的就是“小狗”。故选B。