
Watch out, Willy Wonka! A new chocolate factory is coming. Utah State University announced that it would open such a facility, the first of its kind for any university in the Western United States. “I don’t see it so much as putting our university ahead of others, as much as we can be a resource for those within the chocolate community,” Steve Shelton, manager of the USU Chocolate Factory. “Word will get out, and it will become an important resource for people.”
Once opened, the USU Chocolate Factory would compliment another food operation the school has long been well-known for—Aggie Ice Cream, which is sold on campus and at grocery stores. Speaking of which, the factory will produce all of the chocolate used in those ice cream products. “We can truly say everything will be produced at Utah State,” Sheldon said.
The USU Chocolate Factory will be used for teaching and research. Setting it behind glass will allow members of the campus community and the general public to watch just how chocolate is made.
In addition, USU hopes to open a “Chocolate Café” that will make a variety of products, including drinks, bars and pastries—all from the chocolate made from the factory. Numerous university officials said that discussions about a chocolate factory have been going on for years.
But, Martini said, “everything sparked with a new class I’ve been teaching for the last three years on chocolate.” Martini said students’ response to the course has been strong, and a chocolate factory would provide a hands-on opportunity to show them how chocolate is made.” “From the bean to the bar,” she said. “It’s going to be a great opportunity for our students that they can’t find anywhere else.”

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1.What does Steve Shelton think of the USU Chocolate Factory?

A It will make Utah State University ahead of other universities.

B It will play an important role in providing resource for others.

C It will let many people have a chance to watch Willy Wonka.

D It will harm famous food operation in Utah State University.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句的we can be a resource for those within the chocolate community和最后一句的it will become an important resource for people可知他认为这将为其他人提供一项重要的资源。故选B。

2.How can people taste the chocolate from the USU Chocolate Factory?

A By visiting Western United States.

B By eating the Aggie Ice Cream.

C By buying everything abroad.

D By resting in the grocery stores.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句的the factory will produce all of the chocolate used in those ice cream products可知该巧克力工厂将生产冰激凌所需的巧克力,因此可推知人们可以通过吃这些冰激凌来品尝他们生产的巧克力。故选B。

3.Where can people oberve the process of making chocolate?

A After a glass wall.

B In a Chocolate Café.

C In the offices.

D In the store.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Setting it behind glass will allow members of the campus community and the general public to watch just how chocolate is made.可知巧克力工厂被玻璃墙围着,人们是隔着玻璃墙观察巧克力的制作的。故选A。

4.According to Martini, what will the students benefit from the chocolate factory?

A It will provide them different kinds of chocolate.

B They can directly know the whole process of chocolate-making.

C They can learn a new lesson.

D They will have a great opportunity to travel.
