
Devon Sweeney was born on June 28, 2007. He has a genetic abnormality. Devon used to be able to do just about everything. Ride a bike. Play soccer. Go to school. Then, a couple of years ago, he could no longer walk. Now, he finds it exhausting to simply sit. The things that most people do naturally, such as breathing, or swallowing, or digesting, Devon finds those things difficult. He’s always a little cold. His mother keeps the windows of their home covered and the lights dim to preserve the little vision Devon has left.
Devon wasn’t expected to live as long as he has, and as his 11th birthday approached, his family worried that he wouldn’t see his 12th. They wanted to do something really amazing. Devon has a map of the United States, and he likes to study it, even though it’s unlikely he’ll be doing much traveling. His family decided that maybe they could get someone from every state to send Devon a birthday card.
To have Devon know that people all over the country were caring about him, that would be magic. A nationwide birthday card drive? That seemed a little impossible. But they wanted to challenge. Sandy and John Schultz live north of Milwaukee in Hartford. They called everyone they had ever known and several they didn’t after knowing Devon’s story. They printed leaflets that told Devon’s story and handed them out wherever they went.
Before his birthday, hundreds of cards began to arrive. Then, hundreds more. There were 867 cards. From 12 countries. And 49 states. Missing? Alabama. A late-night letter was rushed in. “Dear Devon,” the letter read, “On behalf of the State of Alabama, congratulations on your birthday.” The letter was signed by the governor herself, Kay Ivey. The house was filled with happiness.

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1.Why does Devon’s mother cover their windows?

A That will help Devon walk longer.

B That will make Devon breathe.

C That will protect Devon’s eyesight.

D That will let Devon do things.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 His mother keeps the windows of their home covered and the lights dim to preserve the little vision Devon has left.可知德文妈妈将窗户罩起来是为了让光线变暗,从而保护德文微弱的视力。故选C。

2.What did Devon’s family decide to do for his birthday?

A They helped him to travel to many places.

B They gave him a map of the United States.

C They wanted to make him see his next birthday.

D They asked someone from every state to send a birthday card for him.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句His family decided that maybe they could get someone from every state to send Devon a birthday card可知他的家人决定向每个州的人们索要生日贺卡。故选D。

3.How did people know Devon’s story?

A Through call and leaflet.

B Through call and letter.

C Via card.

D By Internet.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句They called everyone they had ever known and several they didn’t after knowing Devon’s story. They printed leaflets that told Devon’s story and handed them out wherever they went.可知人们是通过电话和传单得知德文的故事的。故选A。

4.How did the family feel about the cards?

A They were surprised.

B They were bored.

C They were happy.

D They were upset.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句The house was filled with happiness.可知他们家充满了欢乐,也就是表明他们对收到这些卡片感到非常高兴。故选C。