
Scientists have accidentally found a way to create a pill that would let you eat large amounts of fat without gaining weight. The team at Yale University were trying to raise some obese mice. However, in doing so they edited out two genes—which, in turn, appeared to protect the mice from weight gain, despite living on a high-fat diet.  The team, led by professor Anne Eichmann and scientist Feng Zang, had made many changes to the genetic make-up of their lab mice to make them pile on pounds.
But as the weeks went by and the rodents stayed slim, they decided to pause and investigate. They found that two genes in particular had caused a unique change in the body: it had flattened certain portals. These portals act as the gateway for fatty acids to either move into the blood stream for energy, or be stored as fat. 
The “failure”, reported in the latest edition of the journal Science, paved the way to an entirely different prospect: could the same be done in humans? While they have so far only tested this on mice, the researchers believe they may be able to get the same effect in humans, to block fat from being absorbed into the body. 
As it happens, they found, there is a drug that performs that purpose. It already exists, and it is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness. 
The drug takes in a set of molecules that hold the strings for the lacteals. Dr Eichmann said the next step could be to monitor patients who use this drug, to see how it impacts the weight gain in humans. 

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1.Why did the scientists edit out two genes of the mice?

A They determined to make the mice fat.

B They stopped the mice gaining weight.

C They were to save large amounts of food.

D They wanted to test some of the high-fat diet.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 The team at Yale University were trying to raise some obese mice. 可知他们改变老鼠的基因是想让老鼠长胖,故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “rodents” refer to?

A Weeks.

B Bodies.

C Genes.

D Mice.

解析:选D。词义指代题。根据第一段最后一句The team, led by professor Anne Eichmann and scientist Feng Zang, had made many changes to the genetic make-up of their lab mice to make them pile on pounds.及第二段第一句的内容可知研究人员最初的实验目的是想要实验室中的老鼠长胖,但是几周后的结果却并未达到预期,因此可推知“rodents”指代的是老鼠,故选D。

3.How did the researchers come up with the idea of getting the same effect in humans?

A Through the usage of portals.

B By the way of how fat is stored.

C From the food the mice ate.

D From the final results on the mice.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的The “failure”, reported in the latest edition of the journal Science, paved the way to an entirely different prospect: could the same be done in humans? 可知是研究者在老鼠身上的失败让他们想到了这样的效果可能也可以在人类的身上实现,故选D。

4.What will Dr Eichmann do next?

A He will develop new drugs.

B He will fight with blindness.

C He will treat glaucoma.

D He will observe some patients taking the drug.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段第二句的Dr Eichmann said the next step could be to monitor patients who use this drug, to see how it impacts the weight gain in humans.可知他会观测病人的反应,故选D。