



Neil Harbisson could not see any colours at all - only shades of grey since he was born.

So he had a device, which he calls an "eyeborg," connected to the bone on the back of his head to act as a third eye.

The device reads colours - including dozens of shades that human eye cannot see - and turns them into sound waves in his skull.

Mr Harbisson won a battle with the British Passport Authority to have his passport picture showing his antenna(天线).

The victory came after he successfully argued that the antenna, and he has worn the device for 10 years, was not a piece of technology but part of his body.

Mr Harbisson said: "It slowly became a part of my life. Now it's just a body part and an extension(扩展) of my senses.

"I don't feel I'm using or wearing technology, I feel that I am technology."

His antenna becomes more powerful recently, it allows Mr Harbisson to receive colours from all over the world - and even from space.

He said: "Now there are five people in different countries that have direct connections to my skull and if they want to share a colour they're seeing they can use their mobile phone. So I feel like I have an eye in each country. 

"What I did two weeks ago was I connected to a satellite, so I could sense the colours in space, because there are colours that we can't receive here that exist in space."



1.When couldn't Neil Harbisson see any colours at all?

A At the age of 10

B Since he was born

C Ten years ago

D Five years ago

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第一段可知自从生下来,Neil Harbisson就是一个色盲,故选B。

2.Which part of Neil Harbissonis' body is the device connected to?

A The bone on the front of his head.

B The bone on the back of his head.

C The bone of his ears.

D His eyes.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。从第二段可知,这个被他称为“眼博客”的设备连接到他后脑的骨头上就像他的第三只眼睛,故选B。

3.What kind of waves can the device turn colours into?

A Light

B Electricity

C Sound

D Water

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。从第三段最后一句and turns them into sound waves in his skull.可得出,故选C。

4.How long has Neil Harbisson worn the device?

A Since he was born.

B About ten years.

C At the age of ten.

D Two weeks ago.

解析:选B。B 细节题解题。从第五段and he has worn the device for 10 years可知,故选B。

5.From the text we can infer that ____.

A if people are blind,they can use the device

B if people are deaf,they can use the device

C if people can not see colours,they can use the device

D if people are speak,they can use the device

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。从文章第一段或者文章内容皆可得知这个设备是适用于色盲症患者的,故选C。