
China International Import Expo (CIIE) is being held in Shanghai. We recently interviewed some consul generals in Shanghai to hear how their respective countries will engage in the event.
Therese Healy Consul General of Ireland  
Ireland, through its food promotional board, has decided to display our high-quality Irish food and drinks. Ireland is known as “Food Island” and has a long track of record of importing high-quality and very safe produce to China. What we have been doing already is importing excellent quality Irish seafood to China. The feedback of consumers here has been overwhelmingly positive. Irish beef is one of the best products that we have. Irish cattle are raised outdoors for almost a whole year, eating high-quality Irish grass in a very natural environment. I am glad that CIIE is taking place in Shanghai, a city famous for its trade with the outside world and its openness and international spirit.
Sabri Tunç Angili Consul General of Turkey  
Turkey's four industries, including auto, food, textile and chemistry and machinery equipment will participate in CIIE. They are really the driving forces of Turkish economy. Many global auto manufacturers now have production facilities in Turkey, which makes Turkey's auto companies very experienced because they are supplying the parts of high-quality automobiles to places where these global companies are producing, including China. We have a strong agriculture and this leads to the development of food industry in Turkey. In 2015, China and Turkey signed an agreement to allow Turkish ice-cream products into the Chinese market. Now the licensing talks between China and Turkey are going on. I hope we can reach a conclusion before the expo so that Chinese consumers can see our good-quality ice-cream products.

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1.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Ireland is a country with excellent food.

B Most visitors are not interested in Irish food.

C Irish cattle are raised indoors.

D Ireland offers the best beef in the world.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Ireland, through its food promotional board, has decided to display our high-quality Irish food and drinks.可知爱尔兰的食品品质非常好,故选A。

2.What is Shanghai famous for?

A International trade.

B Openness.

C International spirit.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句I am glad that CIIE is taking place in Shanghai, a city famous for its trade with the outside world and its openness and international spirit. 可知上海以其国际贸易、开放性和国际精神而著名,包含A、B、C三项,故选D。

3.What does the underlined word “overwhelmingly” mean?

A quite little

B quite very

C not a bit

D not a little

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据前面的 have been doing, importing excellent quality可知爱尔兰的农产品非常好,而且中国也在进口,因此人们的反馈应该是非常好的,故选B。

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A Food industry is an important driving force in Turkey.

B Turkey produces very good automobiles.

C You could not buy Turkish ice-creams before 2015.

D Many countries buy automobile parts in Turkey.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第五段第三句Many global auto manufacturers now have production facilities in Turkey, which makes Turkey's auto companies very experienced because they are supplying the parts of high-quality automobiles to places where these global companies are producing, including China.可知土耳其在造车方面很有经验,很多汽车公司都在土耳其有生产设施,土耳其向这些公司提供零部件,而并不是说土耳其生产制造高质量的车,因此B选项说法错误,故选B。

5.In which column of a newspaper can you see this passage?

A Auto.

B Agriculture.

C Science.

D News.
