
Admitting to shopaholism might result in little more than spending less on the credit card. However, shopping addiction could soon be recognized as a mental illness thanks to a research that has shown the problem has distinct causes and characteristics. An official classification of shopping addiction may lead to investigation of selling tactics used by High Street and online retailers that encourage shoppers to buy.
Professor Astrid Muller, a psychologist with a special interest in addiction, said of the findings: “It’s time to recognize shopping disorder as a separate mental health condition, which will help us develop better treatments and diagnosis methods.”
The condition—compulsive buying disorder (CBD)—once came under an urge to start fires or steal. Sufferers of CBD often describe an increasing urge or anxiety that can only be reduced when a purchase is made. Research has suggested that up to six per cent of the population may suffer from “an uncontrollable desire to shop and spend money”. Six in ten patients are women. Aside from problems with debt, CBD may affect work and relationships, as sufferers spend an increasing amount of time shopping.
The disorder seems to develop regardless of income and the items purchased by compulsive shoppers tend not to be expensive. However, many compulsive shoppers buy in quantity, resulting in out-of-control spending. Anecdotally, patients often report buying a product “because it was a bargain”.
Treatment includes psychotherapy and advice such as getting rid of credit cards, shopping with a friend or relative who doesn’t suffer from CBD, and finding meaningful ways to spend leisure time other than shopping. Psychotherapist Anna Albright said,“It’s so easy to go online now and click to buy and feel that pleasure of buying. The single biggest thing I advise patients to do is to stop buying. It’s important to recognize there is a problem and seek help in finding alternative coping strategies.”

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1.What will the official classification of shopping addiction lead to?

A People will spend much more money.

B The selling methods will be checked again.

C The game addiction will be much reduced.

D Retailers will encourage shoppers to buy.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的An official classification of shopping addiction may lead to investigation of selling tactics可知这种分类会促使商家重新分析销售策略,故选B。

2.What Astrid Muller said means _______.

A he was especially interested in addiction

B shopping disorder isn’t a mental health condition

C people should take the shopping disorder seriously

D the psychologist found diagnosis methods


3.Who will easily suffer from CBD?

A The thief who is in debt.

B The retailers starting fires.

C The female shoppers.

D The workers who are alone.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第四句Six in ten patients are women.可知女性是这种精神疾病的最大患者,故选C。

4.How can people with shopaholism be treated?

A They can be given some credit cards.

B They can go shopping with friends who suffer from CBD.

C They can do some shopping online.

D They can do something interesting.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段第一句的and finding meaningful ways to spend leisure time other than shopping可知可以让那些购物成瘾的人去找些有意义的事情做,从而帮助他们得到治疗,故选D。