
Bill Gates shocked the crowd in Beijing on Tuesday with a jar of human feces in his hand. The Microsoft founder hosted the Reinvented Toilet Expo. His aim? To let the new toilets that don’t need water known to the people. “Today, rich countries have a system,” Gates said. “That requires a lot of pipes. It’s very expensive and it won’t happen in these newer, poorer cities.”
According to the WHO, around 2.3 billion people still do not have basic facilities such as toilets. Gates pointed out the jar in his hand could contain “as many as 20 billion bacteria”.
Through the Gates Foundation’s “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge”, Bill and Melinda Gates have given $200 million to researchers seeking to develop waterless toilets over the past seven years. To compete in the challenge, toilets had to cost less than 5 cents a day to operate, without the need for electricity or running water. The toilets take human waste, kill dangerous bacteria and change the resulting material into products with potential commercial value, like clean water, electricity and fertilizer.
Gates chose to sell the invention in a country that has struggled with clean sanitation. In 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a national “toilet revolution”. The world’s second-largest economy since 2010, China has made significant improvements in public hygiene, but many rural towns still do not have access to modern toilets.
Gates noted that the production of these toilets will be at least a decade before they can reach the poorest areas. “The very first ones are still fairly expensive. It will take time before we get the price down to the low end of the market,” Gates said. “We will make them cheap enough to cover Africa, which would not happen without this breakthrough.”

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1.What did Bill Gates in the Reinvented Toilet Expo do?

A He was shocked by human feces.

B He became the founder of Microsoft.

C He introduced his new toilets.

D He wanted to sell a number of pipes.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句To let the new toilets that don’t need water known to the people.可知比尔·盖茨在博览会上推广新厕所,故选C。

2.The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph may refer to _______.

A the toilet

B the pipe

C living condition

D high expense

解析:选D。词意指代题。根据第一段第六、七句的That requires a lot of pipes. It’s very expensive可知it应指代的是修建厕所需要的大量金钱,故选D。

3.What is the advantage of the new toilets?

A They need only a little electricity.

B They can not have any challenges.

C They do not need any water at all.

D They produce dangerous bacteria.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的without the need for electricity or running water可知新型厕所不需要水,故选C。

4.Why does China need the new toilets?

A China is the world’s second-largest economy.

B China wants to improve the rural places’ hygiene condition.

C China pays no attention to the public health.

D China does not have enough water to use.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句的but many rural towns still do not have access to modern toilets可知中国农村地区需要改善卫生状况,故选B。