
A worker at a popular garden in the heart of Tokyo has cost the facility millions of yen because he was “too frightened” to ask foreign visitors to pay the admission fee.

The unnamed man, who has since retired, said he had stopped collecting admission fees of 200 yen for adults and 50 yen for children since April 2014, and had continued to allow foreign visitors in free of charge for about two and a half years. As a result, about 160,000 people entered the garden without paying. It had lost at least 25 million yen in total.

The man said that being yelled at by a non-Japanese visitor years ago had made him wary of overseas guests. “I don’t speak any other language and I got scared when a foreigner began yelling at me a long time ago,” he said. The man handed out tickets without charging for them, then asked a colleague with access to the garden’s database to cancel the sales so there would be no difference between recorded and actual revenue(总收入).

The ruse(诡计) worked until late December 2016 when another member of staff saw him behaving strangely when issuing a ticket to a foreign visitor and reported it to management. The man’s salary was cut off 10%. He asked to take retirement and offered to return half of his retirement bonus, about 300,000 yen.

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1.Mr and Mrs Green go to the garden with their 15-year-old son, they should pay ______.

A 150 yen

B 300 yen

C 450 yen

D 600 yen

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句The unnamed man, who has since retired, said he had stopped collecting admission fees of 200 yen for adults and 50 yen for children since April 2014, and had continued to allow foreign visitors in free of charge for about two and a half years. 可知成人门票是200日元,小孩是50日元,因此两个大人和一个小孩应该花费450日元买门票,故选C。

2.The ruse worked because _______.

A the man could get access to the sales data

B another staff person helped the man to cancel the sales

C the man worked alone without any monitor

D all workers supported the man

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句The man handed out tickets without charging for them, then asked a colleague with access to the garden’s database to cancel the sales so there would be no difference between recorded and actual revenue.可知那位工作人员免费发放门票一直没被发现是因为另一位可以接触到销售数据的工作人员帮助他删除了对应的销售记录,因此实际门票收入才能和电脑上的销售数据保持一致,故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “wary” mean in Chinese?

A 害怕的.

B 焦虑的.

C 严肃的.

D 疯狂的.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据第一段的too frightened以及下文got scared可知他是害怕外国人,因此wary意为“害怕的”,故选A。

4.What was the man’s retirement bonus?

A 150,000 yen.

B 300,000 yen.

C 600,000 yen.

D 900,000 yen.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句He asked to take retirement and offered to return half of his retirement bonus, about 300,000 yen.可知这名工作人员愿意拿出退休金的一半(或300000日元)来补偿公园的损失可知,这名男子的退休金可能是600000日元,故选C。

5.In which column of a newspaper can you find this passage?

A Tourism.

B Environment.

C Politics.

D Education.
