


A survey has found no direct correlation between wealth and happiness although money still tops the list of factors affecting people's feeling of happiness.

Some 61.2 percent of 36,315 people said they feel happy with their lives while 13.7 percent said they are not that happy. On a scale of 0 to 10, the average happiness score among the responders is 6.6.

When asked which factor most affects their feelings of happiness, the most of responders said money, followed by health and marriage.

But 65.4 percent don't believe that the more money a person has, the happier he or she will be. Most said salary of 100,000 to 200,000 yuan ($16,359 to 32,718) a year would make them happy.

When asked what government action could improve the feeling of happiness, most chose a pay raise, better food safety or social security.

Scientific research has shown that when per capita GDP of a country reaches $3,000, there would be a direct correlation between wealth and happiness and the per capita GDP of China has already passed $ 6,000.

People's feeling of happiness is mainly decided by how much they get from social resources and interests, said Dai Changqing, deputy head of the Development and Educational Psychology Institute of Wuhan University.



1.How many people were there in the survey?

A 32718

B 36315

C 12315

D 16359

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第2段第一句可得知参加调查者总共为36315人,故选B。

2.According to the text, which factor most affects people’s feelings of happiness?

A money

B health

C marriage

D sports

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第1段最后一句money tops the list of factors…以及第3段the most of responders said money…均可得知,故选A。

3.What can the government do to make people feel happier?

A pay raise.

B better food safety.

C social security.

D all the above

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第5段可知ABC三项均可提高人们的幸福感,故选D。

4.What is the average happiness score among the responders?

A 61

B 13

C 6.6

D 65

解析:选C。C 细节题解题。从第3段可知,如果幸福指数以0-10的范围来界定,参与调查者的幸福满意度为6.6,其他选项均为百分比,故选C。

5.According to the passage we know that____.

A money can always make people happier

B food is the most important to make people happier

C living in a big house can make people happier

D money is a very important factor that makes people happier .

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。文章通过调查得出金钱是人们感到幸福的一个非常重要的因素,但并不是说钱越多人们就一定越幸福,故选D。