三个院子各有千秋! 你想参观哪一个?
三个院子各有千秋! 你想参观哪一个?

There is a small garden in front of Harry’s house. He plants lots of flowers in it. He also plants fruit trees. Many kinds of vegetables grow in his garden.
His neighbour Ron has a garden, too. Ron’s garden is smaller than Harry’s garden. He has fewer flowers than Harry. He plants some potatoes and onions.
Bill is Harry’s another neighbour. Bill’s garden is the biggest one of the three. He has the fewest flowers and plants, but the weeds in his garden are the tallest. Bill doesn’t have enough time to work in his garden, so his garden is the worst.

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1.Is Ron’s garden bigger than Harry’s garden?

A Yes, it is.

B Maybe it isn’t.

C No, it isn’t.

D We don’t know.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Ron’s garden is smaller than Harry’s garden.可知罗恩的花园比哈利的花园小,故选C。

2.What’s NOT in Ron’s garden?

A Flowers.

B Potatoes.

C Onions.

D Tomatoes.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四句He has fewer flowers than Harry. He plants some potatoes and onions.可知罗恩种了花、土豆和洋葱,没有种西红柿,故选D。

3.Bill’s garden is ______ than Ron’s garden.

A better

B cleaner

C bigger

D smaller

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Bill’s garden is the biggest garden of the three.可知比尔的花园是三个人里最大的,故选C。

4.Why are there a lot of weeds in Bill’s garden?

A The garden is too small.

B Bill doesn’t like flowers at all.

C The weeds like Bill’s garden.

D Bill doesn’t have enough time to work in his garden.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第一、二句He has the fewest flowers and plants, but the weeds in his garden are the tallest. Bill doesn’t have enough time to work in his garden, so his garden is the worst.可知比尔种植的花和植物最少,但是他的花园里的杂草是最高的。比尔没有足够的时间去管理花园,所以他的花园是最糟的,故选D。

5.Whose garden is the worst?

A Harry’s garden.

B Ron’s garden.

C Roy’s garden.

D Bill’s garden.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据...so his garden is the worst可知比尔的花园是最差的,故选D。