港珠澳大桥建设 “同济智慧”创奇迹
港珠澳大桥建设 “同济智慧”创奇迹

Ninety-three-year-old professor Sun Jun has devoted his life to working on China’s giant construction projects, including the Qinghai-Tibet highway, Three Gorges Dam, and the Yangtze River Tunnel. In his latest project, the Tongji University academic served as a senior adviser on the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.
Under the guidance of Sun, Xu Wei, a professor in Tongji and Sun’s student, took over technical assistance for the construction of the bridge. “Every time I saw Sun and other professors working on the bridge, I felt at ease,” said Lin Ming, the general project manager. Lin initially invited an experienced Dutch company to serve as the technical assistant for the project. The company wanted to charge US $171 million. He then asked for help from Xu along with experts in Tongji University.
The methods developed by Tongji University reduced the impact of the bridge on the Chinese white dolphin, which is under first class state protection. Another key challenge during the construction of the bridge was the 6.7-km underwater tunnel, the world’s longest and deepest undersea tunnel. Ding Wenqi, who was nicknamed the “tunnel expert”, was asked to ensure the tubes be connected perfectly — even under the influences of land subsidence, water pressure and tide movement. Hu Xiangdong, another professor with Tongji, developed a method to freeze the earth around the tunnel to prevent water leakage and land subsidence during the digging of the most challenging 2-km section of the tunnel.
The tunnel section of the project was completed in May 2017. Sun was invited to visit the near-completed bridge again in February 2018. The expert said he felt the most relaxed this time since most of the challenges have been conquered. “In the next step, we should focus on how to make the two artificial islands more beautiful and attract travelers,” Sun said. Xu said he took a great pride in watching the TV news of the bridge’s official opening on Wednesday. 

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1.What contribution did Sun Jun make to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?

A He gave much advice on the project.

B He took over the technical assistance.

C He was the general project manager.

D He worked in Tongji University.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句的the Tongji University academic served as a senior adviser on the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge可知他是港珠澳大桥的高级顾问,因此他应该为这个工程的建设提供了许多建议。故选A。

2. Why did Lin Ming ask for help from experts in Tongji University?

A He felt very relaxed to see professors working on the bridge.

B Tongji University did best in the giant construction projects.

C The experienced Dutch company charged too much money.

D The technical assistant for the project had too much trouble.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段第四、五句The company wanted to charge US $171 million. He then asked for help from Xu along with experts in Tongji University.可知是因为荷兰公司要价太高,工程总经理才求助同济大学的专家的。故选C。

3.What method did the expert develop to stop water leaking in building the underwater tunnel?

A Digging deep into the sea.

B Increasing the water pressure.

C Keeping the tide moving.

D Freezing the nearby earth around the tunnel.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第四句的Hu Xiangdong, another professor with Tongji, developed a method to freeze the earth around the tunnel to prevent water leakage可知该专家通过冰冻隧道周围的泥土的方法来防止露水。故选D。

4.How did Xu Wei feel when watching the TV news of the bridge’s official opening?

A Relaxed.

B Tired.

C Proud.

D Careful.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句Xu said he took a great pride in watching the TV news of the bridge’s official opening on Wednesday.可知他在看到电视新闻里的大桥通车的新闻时感到很骄傲。故选C。