
Chengdu, a city in southwest China, is planning to launch an “artificial moon” that will light up the skies as far as 50 miles around.
The satellite set to deploy over Chengdu in 2020 is designed to be eight times as bright as the real moon, to cast a “dusk-like glow” over the region. Officials have released few details on the project, but say the idea pulls inspiration from a French artist who envisioned a necklace of mirrors hanging over Earth.
It will complement the moon to make Chengdu’s night skies brighter when launched in 2020, possibly working as a replacement to traditional streetlights. The artificial moon can be controlled to light up an area between 10 and 80 kilometers wide.
While it might sound impossible, the technology has been in the works for years and has now “matured” toward readiness. Whether the plan will finally be completed, however, it remains to be seen.
Chengdu’s artificial moon has already been met with criticism from skeptics and concerned citizens who argue that the light will have adverse effects on animals and astronomical observation.
It’s not the first time humans have attempted to launch a light-reflecting object into the sky, but in the past, such plans largely ended in failure. Last year, for example, a Russian team attempted to deploy what was touted to become “the brightest object in the night sky, after the moon”. 

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1.How far can the artificial moon light up at most?

A 10 kilometers.

B 50 kilometers.

C 80 kilometers.

D 100 kilometers.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句The artificial moon can be controlled to light up an area between 10 and 80 kilometers wide.可知这个人造月亮最远照明距离为80公里,故选C。

2.What does the underlined word “adverse” mean in Chinese?

A 长期的.

B 深远的.

C 不利的.

D 有利的.


3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A There were many artificial moons in the sky serving as streetlights.

B Russia is the first country planning to send an artificial moon into the sky.

C The artificial moon is a light-reflecting object serving as the moon.

D There were many successful plans sending the artificial moon into the sky.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句It’s not the first time humans have attempted to launch a light-reflecting object into the sky, but in the past, such plans have largely ended in failure.可知这不是人类第一次尝试发射反光物体到太空可知成都想要发射的人工月亮也是一种反光物体,故选C。

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A Chengdu is going to launch an artificial moon.

B Too much light in the night is bad for animals.

C A big step in the space technology.

D The artificial moon is much brighter than the real moon.

解析:选A。主旨大意题。第一段Chengdu—a city in southwest China is planning to launch an “artificial moon” that will light up the skies as far as 50 miles around.是本文主题句,下面内容主要是围绕成都即将发射的人工月亮的作用和人们对此的态度以及类似卫星发射情况的进行展开的,因此本文主旨是成都即将发射人工月亮,故选A。