

 A little girl called Sylvie hurried through a dark forest one summer evening because she is afraid of her grandmother. She would be angry with her for being so late.

Every evening Sylvie left her grandmother's house at five-thirty to bring their cow home. It was Sylvie's job to bring her home to be milked. When the cow heard Sylvie's voice calling her, she would hide among the trees.

This evening it took Sylvie longer than usual to find her cow. The child hurried the cow through the dark forest, following a small road that led to her grandmother's home. The cow stopped at a small stream to drink. 

She had never before been alone in the forest as late as this. The air was soft and sweet. Sylvie felt as if she were a part of the nature. She began thinking how it was only a year ago that she came to her grandmother's farm. Before that, she had lived with her mother and father in a dirty, crowded factory town. One day, Sylvie's grandmother had visited them and chose Sylvie from all her brothers and sisters to be the one to help her on her farm in Vermont.

The cow finished drinking, and as the nine-year-old child hurried through the forest to the home she loved, she thought again about the noisy town where her parents still lived.


1.What did Sylvie usually do at 5:30 every evening?

A She usually walked through the forest.

B She usually took the cow out to eat grass.

C She usually left home to bring the cow home.

D She usually milked the cow.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Every evening Sylvie left her grandmother's house at five-thirty to bring their cow home.”,可知,答案为C。

2.What does the underlined word “stream” probably mean in the passage?

A 河流

B 大海

C 盆子

D 水井

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,Sylvie生活在农场里,奶牛在回家的路上停下来喝水,因此猜测该词在此意为“小河”,故答案为A。

3.Where did Sylvie live before she moved to her grandmother’s farm?

A In a big city.

B On her parents’ farm.

C In a small village.

D In a factory town.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“Before that, she had lived with her mother and father in a dirty, crowded factory town.” 可知,答案为D。

4.How old was Sylvie when she moved to her grandmother’s farm?

A 8 years old.

B 9 years old.

C 10 years old.

D 11 years old.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,Sylvie现在是9岁,而根据第三段的“She began thinking how it was only a year ago that she came to her grandmother's farm.”可知,她是在一年前来到祖母的农场的,因此她当时8岁,故答案为A。

5.From this article, we know that __________________________.

A Sylvie hated the life on her grandmother’s farm.

B Sylvie wanted to live with her parents again.

C Sylvie enjoyed the life on her grandmother’s farm.

D Sylvie usually went home after 8:00 P.M.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。 全文处处展示了Sylvie对农场美景的喜爱和对祖母的依恋,而对父母生活的工厂小镇的回忆是脏、拥挤和嘈杂,因此判断她很喜欢农场的生活。故选C。