
For most people, birthdays are a time for receiving gifts. But for one man in Singapore, it’s the exact opposite. Uncle Jimmy, the ice cream seller, gives out  free treats each year on his birthday.
Every weekday, the 72-year-old drives his motorcycle to the same spot he’s been working at for the past 15 years, sets up his stall and waits for customers. But 22 March-his birthday-is a little different. On that day a long queue of customers hope to get the free ice cream he gives out.
This year, he ran out within hours. “By 5 pm everything was sold out,” Jimmy Teng said. “Some people came after that and there was no more available so I told them to come back the next day, I’ll give it to them then.”
It all started on his 70th birthday when Mr Teng decided to give out 700 free ice creams to mark the occasion. “Everyone in Singapore is so stressed. I thought to myself, life is short. Now that I have the chance, I might as well give ice cream to people to make them happy,” Mr Teng said.
The free ice cream was quickly sold out and by the end of the day, Mr Teng had given away close to 900 treats. He decided to make free ice cream a birthday tradition, and to increase the limit to 1,000 ice creams to meet the demand.
While each ice cream only costs $1 Singapore dollar, what he has spent adds up to quite a large sum. When asked if he was making a loss by giving away free ice cream, he said, “I don”t think of it that way. As long as people are happy, that’s OK.”

   本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718   QQ:757722345)

1.How does Mr Teng celebrate his birthday?

A He receives many gifts on that day.

B He waits for customers on that day

C He drives a motorcycle on that day.

D He gives out free ice creams to the customers on that day.

解析:选D。细节理解题。 根据第一段最后一句Uncle Jimmy, the ice cream seller, gives out free treats each year on his birthday.可知他通过给其他人免费派送冰激凌来庆生,故选D。

2.What happened after 5 pm on Mr Teng’s birthday this year?

A Uncle Jimmy set up his own small stall.

B Uncle Jimmy offered the free ice cream.

C Some customers kept coming to the stall but got no ice cream.

D Some people still got the free ice creams.

解析:选C。细节理解题。 根据第三段第三句的Some people came after that and there was no more available可知在邓先生今年的生日那天,五点以后还有顾客来他的摊位前,但是已经没有多余的冰激凌了,故选C。

3.Why did Mr Teng offer the free ice creams at first?

A He wanted to celebrate his 70th birthday.

B He needed to start a very good tradition.

C He aimed to make stressed people happy.

D He didn’t want to make a loss.

解析:选A。细节理解题。 根据第四段第一句It all started on his 70th birthday when Mr Teng decided to give out 700 free ice creams to mark the occasion.可知他最初是为了庆祝自己七十大寿才免费派送冰激凌的,故选A。

4.What does the author think of Mr Teng?

A Rich.

B Selfish.

C Generous.

D Careful.
