
By taking cells from a live cow, scientists are now able to actually produce meat inside of a laboratory. Although some people have some doubts about lab meat, it has the potential to change the entire food industry. Let’s examine some of the potential benefits. 

Save Animals. Animal cruelty has always been a big topic in this country. If lab-grown meat becomes popular, it will prevent thousands of farm animals from being killed. People will be able to eat meat with no feelings of guilt. 

      Clean & Natural-Tasting. To the delight of everyone, lab-grown meat does not taste any different from real meat. Most importantly, the nutritional value of the meat is not affected. Lab meat is also a lot cleaner. It is far less likely to become contaminated by pathogens(病原体).

      Much Friendlier to the Environment. One of the biggest problems associated with raising cattle is the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions being produced. You must also factor in the large quantity of water that is needed to keep these animals alive. Land space is yet another very important aspect of raising livestock. Lab meat will help preserve the planet by reducing these issues. 

Why hasn’t lab meat yet become mainstream? Over time, lab meat should gradually become more and more accessible. The current price is obviously a key factor. It costs about $36 a pound, which is more money than most consumers are willing to pay. When companies finally begin to mass-produce the meat, you can expect its cost to become a lot more affordable. People from around the globe will eventually learn about the advantages of clean meat.

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1.How can lab meat save animals?

A It stops people from mistreating animals.

B It helps animals recover from diseases.

C It makes it possible to stop killing animals.

D It makes people eat more meat.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段的If lab-grown meat becomes popular, it will prevent thousands of farm animals from being killed.可知有了实验室人造肉后,就能少屠宰动物,故选C。

2.How does lab meat taste compared with the real meat?

A It tastes dirtier.

B It tastes juicier.

C It tastes better.

D It tastes the same.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段的To the delight of everyone, lab-grown meat does not taste any different from real meat.可知实验室肉类和真肉口感相同,故选D。

3.What is the problem of raising cattle?

A Greenhouse gas emissions.

B A large quantity of water is needed.

C Large land space is needed.

D All of the above.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知牲畜养殖有温室气体排放、需水量大和场地需求大三个缺点,包含A、B、C三项,故选D。

4.What is the disadvantage of lab meat?

A People have many doubts about it.

B It is too expensive now.

C It can’t be produced in large amounts.

D It is too clean.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的It costs about $36 a pound, which is more money than most consumers are willing to pay. 可知,实验室肉类现在的缺点就是太贵了,故选B。