画驴成斑马 开罗动物园开什么玩笑?
画驴成斑马 开罗动物园开什么玩笑?

It gives new meaning to the phrase “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Or in this case, a donkey in zebra stripes. A zoo in Cairo, Egypt, has been accused of trying to fool visitors by painting zebra stripes onto a donkey, but the zoo director insists the animal is the real thing.
Mahmoud Sarhan, 18, said he was visiting a recently-opened animal zoo at the International Garden park when he spotted a strange looking animal. Sarhan said several things about the animal stood out and made him suspicious. The black paint had melted on the donkey’s face and the ears didn’t look like the right size for a zebra, he said.
He posted a picture on his Facebook page, which quickly attracted a lot of attention. In the photo, he’s posing next to the animal, looking confused. He wrote, “The stupidity has reached in the country that they brought a local donkey and painted it to look like a zebra.”
The director of Gardens Project in Cairo has denied the reports that they had tried to pass off the donkey as a zebra. “The zebra is real and not painted,” Mohammed Sultan said. Sultan added that the animals are well taken care of and are inspected regularly to ensure their welfare.
After reviewing the images, a leader with the animal activist group PETA disagreed that this animal was well taken care of. “No excellent animal care center would put a animal like a donkey into the stress of being caged and sprayed with chemicals like paint, which could cause a painful allergic reaction, and PETA hopes that Cairo authorities are fully investigating this matter,” PETA Foundation Vice President Delcianna Winders said.
This isn’t the first time a zoo has tried to pull the wool over visitor’s eyes. In 2013, a zoo in China made guests angry by trying to pass off a hairy dog as a lion. And the “lion” even barked.

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1.Why was a zoo in Cairo accused?

A It made a new phrase.

B Its zebra had been painted stripes.

C It sold sheep’s clothing.

D It painted a donkey as a zebra to fool visitors.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句的A zoo in Cairo, Egypt, has been accused of trying to fool visitors by painting zebra stripes onto a donkey可知动物园把驴化装成斑马来糊弄游客,这是动物园被指控的原因,故选D。

2.How did Mahmoud Sarhan find the zoo’s mistake?

A He found a picture on his own Facebook page.

B He found the paint on the animal’s face had melted.

C He found the animal didn’t have the right size of ears as a zebra.

D Both B and C.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句The black paint had melted on the donkey’s face and the ears didn’t look like the right size for a zebra.可知是他发现那个动物脸上的颜料融化掉了,且该动物的耳朵也和斑马的耳朵不一样大才发现公园的错误的,故选D。

3.What may trouble the donkey according to Delcianna Winders?

A It will attract a lot of attention.

B It will be investigated by authorities.

C It will be made to learn barking.

D It will suffer from the allergic reaction.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段第二句的No excellent animal care center would put a animal like a donkey into the stress of being caged and sprayed with chemicals like paint, which could cause a painful allergic reaction可知这头毛驴可能会有过敏反应,故选D。

4.From the passage, who is telling lies?

A Mahmoud Sarhan.

B Mohammed Sultan.

C Delcianna Winders.


解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句Sultan added that the animals are well taken care of and are inspected regularly to ensure their welfare可知Sultan说动物园的动物得到了很好的照顾,而结合第五段的内容可知并非如此,由此可知是Mohammed Sultan在撒谎,故选B。