
It sounds almost too good to be true for those struggling to keep their weight down – a simple injection to prevent unwanted pounds piling up. But the way of a vaccine to stop you getting fat is drawing closer after scientists found the evidence linking obesity to an infectious virus.
Adenovirus-36 is found four times more often among the obese than in patients of a healthy weight. Studies on animals show that the virus is responsible for adding up to 15 per cent to body weight. The finding comes as levels of obesity have reached a record 27 per cent of the population. A further 36 per cent are overweight – making Britain the fattest nation in Western Europe.
The virus has a double effect, not only arousing fat cells, but also preventing them dying and being sent out of the body. The affected cells then accumulate, leading to obesity. In a study using samples of healthy tissue from 80 women, four out of five who were overweight had the virus – against just one in five who were a normal weight.
Although the link could be the result of the making the infection more likely, earlier research found that monkeys injected with the virus went on to gain weight. In other studies, at least 30 per cent of obese people were found to be infected but just 11 per cent of those with a healthy weight had the virus. Dr Wilmore Webley, of the University of Massachusetts, conducted the study into the patients. He says a vaccine is already used by the US Army – evidence a vaccine for the obesity virus could be developed. 
However, not everyone is convinced. Obesity expert Professor Nick Finer, of University College London, told New Scientist magazine that more studies were needed to prove a link between the virus and weight gain. “No matter how many association studies are reported, they do not prove what really causes the obesity,” he said. 

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1.What is the good news for the obese people?

A They won’t infect any virus.

B They can prevent unwanted pounds by injecting vaccine.

C They can eat everything without getting fat now.

D They can’t keep their weight down.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句But the way of a vaccine to stop you getting fat is drawing closer after scientists found the evidence linking obesity to an infectious virus.可知科学家发现了肥胖可能与感染病毒有关,在不久的将来肥胖患者可以通过注射疫苗来控制体重,这对于肥胖患者来说是一大福音,故选B。

2.How many people in Britain are obese according to the passage?

A 15% of the population.

B 27% of the population.

C 36% of the population.

D 63% of the population.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句A further 36 per cent are overweight – making Britain the fattest nation in Western Europe.可知英国的肥胖人口占据了总人口的36%,故选C。

3.What’s the double effect of the virus?

A Women are more likely to become overweight.

B It prevents fat cells staying in people’s bodies.

C Monkeys injected with virus gain some weight.

D The virus makes the fat cells active and stay in.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的The virus has a double effect, not only arousing fat cells, but also preventing them dying and being sent out of the body可以得知这种病毒能激活肥胖细胞并让肥胖细胞待在体内,故选D。

4.What is Professor Nick Finer’s attitude towards the vaccine?

A Doubtful.

B Interested.

C Surprised.

D Helpful.

解析:选A。观点态度题。根据第五段最后一句No matter how many association studies are reported, they do not prove what really causes the obesity可知该教授认为尽管有许多相关研究,但这些研究并没有真正指明肥胖的致病原因,因此他对疫苗持有怀疑态度,故选A。