
The world's oldest active fighter pilot, a grandfather of four, has retired and taken his last flight at the age of 66. Phillip Frawley of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has served for 49 years. He took his final flight last month and has officially stepped down.
 "It's been a special day but all things come to an end—that's what's happened to me today," Frawley said in the statement. "It has been wonderful, absolutely wonderful." He has been the oldest active fighter pilot for years now since the last record holder, a 60-year-old Israeli F-16 pilot. His retirement marks the end of a long and colorful career, which has added up to more than 10,000 hours of flying, 6,000 of those flying fighters.
Frawley first began as an RAAF apprentice in 1969 and worked his way up to become a fighter pilot, instructor, and commanding officer. He even spent five years serving in Saudi Arabia. He first flew the Hercules transport aircraft, before successfully applying to train on fighters. Afterward, he flew a range of fighter jets, including Mirages, Macchis, and F/A-18 Hornets. Frawley watched the RAAF change over the years.
However, most meaningful was his time as an instructor, Frawley said. He has helped train almost 500 Air Combat Group pilots throughout his service, and he says it was "probably my best achievement". He took his final flight on June 29 in a 76 Squadron Hawk 127 Lead-in-fighter, with his friends and family members present. However, just because he's taken his last flight, it doesn't mean he's done with his active lifestyle.
  Frawley also spends his time instructing people, performing flight demonstrations, and taking passengers on jet fighter flights. When he's not in a jet, he enjoys surfing on the beaches of New South Wales , and writes blog posts about his time in the RAAF.

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1.How old was Phillip Frawley when he began to serve for RAAF?

A 15.

B 17.

C 49.

D 66.

解析:选B。数字计算题。从文章第一段第一句的has retired and taken his last flight at the age of 66可以得知他退休年龄是66岁,结合下句的Phillip Frawley of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has served for 49 years可以得知他在部队服役了49年,因此可以得知他是17岁开始服役的。故选B。

2.How did Frawley think of his job?

A It was tiring.

B It was great.

C It was advanced.

D It was interesting.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的It has been wonderful, absolutely wonderful可以得知他认为自己的这份工作很不错。故选B。

3.What did Frawley do at first in the Royal Australian Air Force?

A An apprentice.

B A fighter pilot.

C An instructor.

D A commanding officer.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的Frawley first began as an RAAF apprentice in 1969可以得知他最先是一个“学徒”。故选A。

4.What does Frawley like to do in his free time?

A He performs flight demonstrations.

B He takes passengers on jet fighter flights.

C He tries to find the active lifestyle.

D He surfs on the beaches of New South Wales.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句的When he's not in a jet, he enjoys surfing on the beaches of New South Wales可以得知在有空的时候,他会去冲浪。故选D。