

On a Sunday morning, people from around the world got around two tables in a hutong of Beijing. They were playing a special Chinese game, mahjong. Now many foreign travelers have an interest in the game. They say it's quite easy to learn to play mahjong.

“Mahjong is a good way to experience Chinese culture”, says Cheremnikh. “When you walk down a street in China, no matter what city you’re in, you can always find people playing it. It’s a part of the culture,” says the 32-year-old Israeli. 

Jelle Alsemgeest from the Netherlands also likes playing this game. He has lived in China for more than three years. He first played mahjong last summer, when he was on a business trip in Gansu province. A group of Chinese friends invited him to play. He thought the game was quite difficult and would take him weeks to learn. He was very surprised that it only took him one evening to learn the basic rules and know how to play it.

Alsemgeest brought along his parents to China, so they could experience this part of Chinese culture. His parents, both older than 60, were able to learn the game quickly and even won a round. His mother enjoyed the game so much that she was thinking about joining a mahjong club in her hometown of IJsselstein. “Maybe I will play it many times in the future. It's a good way to learn and think. Good for my brain,” jokes Alsemgeest's mother.


1.What were people from around the world doing in a Hutong of Beijing?

A They were playing the piano.

B They were playing ping-pong.

C They were playing Chinese chess.

D They were playing mahjong.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第二句“They were playing a special Chinese game, mahjong.”可知,答案为D。

2.How long has Jelle Alsemgeest lived in China?

A Over two years.

B Over three years.

C Over 32 years.

D Over 60 years.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“He has lived in China for more than three years.”,可知,他在中国生活了3年多了。故答案为B。

3.It took Alsemgeest ___________ to learn the basic rules of playing mahjong.

A a few weeks

B a week

C one day

D one evening

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的最后一句“He was very surprised that it only took him one evening to learn the basic rules and know how to play it.” 可知,他仅花了一晚上就学会了打麻将的基本规则。故答案为D。

4._________ would like to join a mahjong club.

A Cheremnikh

B Alsemgeest

C Alsemgeest’s mother

D Alsemgeest’s father

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“His mother enjoyed the game so much that she was thinking about joining a mahjong club in her hometown of IJsselstein.” 可知,答案为C。

5.What do the foreigners think of the Chinese game mahjong?

A It’s a good way to experience Chinese culture.

B It’s difficult to learn how to play mahjong.

C It’s a good way to keep healthy.

D It’s a good way to make friends.

解析:选A。A 整体理解题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了外国人学打麻将的故事,他们都认为麻将是中国文化的一部分,打麻将是体验中国文化的好办法。故选A。