
Edward Kydd has traveled 13,332 miles in 1,742 hours of service for Meals on Wheels. The man drives two routes every Monday, accompanied by his traveling companion — his 73-year-old daughter, Janet von Berg. Kydd is 101, by the way.
For many seniors, the opportunity to engage comes daily through volunteering. "I think the reason I'm going to be 102 in July is that I've stayed active," said Kydd. "If they have the strength and willingness to serve, it doesn't matter what age they are — there's always a place they can make a positive difference."
Since January 2018, Meals on Wheels volunteers have delivered 79,403 meals to 1,014 seniors in Brevard County, Wells said. As local organizations are asked to do more and more for the community, "We want to help more people through volunteers," said Rob Rains, president of United Way of Brevard. "I think of Helen Keller and her famous quote: Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." 
And John Anderson won't let an age assigned him by the year of his birth — 1926 — get in the way of being active in his community. There's his "Great Decisions" discussion group, centered on global issues, which he leads once a month on Merritt Island. And he's a big supporter of the Central Brevard Sharing Center, where he helps holiday activities involving high-school students.
When Anderson turned 90, his one request was that those attending his birthday party bring canned food rather than gifts. "I get personal satisfaction out of helping people and doing something meaningful in the community. You don't want to get to a state where you feel you're useless." Anderson added.

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1.Whom did Janet von Berg travel with?

A Her father.

B Her brother.

C Her teacher.

D Her mother.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句The man drives two routes every Monday, accompanied by his traveling companion — his 73-year-old daughter, Janet von Berg. 可知Janet von Berg是和她的父亲一起的。故选A。

2.What made Edward Kydd have a long life in his opinion?

A He lacked volunteering.

B He stayed active.

C He needed a difference.

D He made money.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的I think the reason I'm going to be 102 in July is that I've stayed active可以得知是他保持积极的心态才让他长寿的。故选B。

3.What does Meals on Wheels do?

A It helps the seniors travel.

B It teaches high-school students.

C It carries food for the old.

D It makes more people volunteers.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的Meals on Wheels volunteers have delivered 79,403 meals to 1,014 seniors in Brevard County可知这个志愿者组织是给老年人送餐。故选C。

4.Why did Anderson request canned food on his birthday?

A He did not like the gifts at all.

B He wanted to do something meaningful.

C He wanted little satisfaction.

D He felt he was really useless.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句的I get personal satisfaction out of helping people and doing something meaningful in the community.可知他要其他人带罐装食品来参加他的生日聚会是想让自己能帮助他人,做有意义的事情。故选B。