
I got my first part-time job as a waiter in a restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that, her face showed unhappiness. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, took me aside and gave me a long lecture about the description of “old”. I then walked back to the table and apologized to the couple. They forgave(原谅) me and were no longer angry. 
In the past, I thought people are proud of being old. Old people have the most knowledge and experience. Young people always respect older people because of their rich experience. 
On the other hand, people think “growing old” shows that a person is going to retire (退休) or that the body is not working well. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young. 
Then, I changed the way I had been with older people. It doesn’t mean I don’t respect them any more; I still respect them, but now I don’t show my feelings through words. 

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718   QQ:757722345)

1.Why did the writer bring the couple their food very fast?

A Because he wanted more tips.

B Because he respected the elderly.

C Because the couple wanted him to do so.

D Because the manager asked him to do so.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.可知作者尊重年老的人,所以确保他们很快得到食物,故选B。

2.When the writer called the couple “elderly”, they became _______.

A happy

B cool

C confused  

D angry

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句As soon as I said that, her face showed unhappiness.以及最后一句They forgave me and were no longer angry.可知夫妇脸上流露出极大的不快,很生气,故选D。

3.What was the writer’s opinion about the old in the past?

A He thought people are proud of being old.

B He thought people dislike being called “old”.

C He thought many people reach the age of seventy or eighty.

D He thought the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句In the past, I thought people are proud of being old.可知在过去,作者以为人们会因自己变年长而骄傲,故选A。

4.What did the writer do after this experience?

A He lost his job in the restaurant.

B He made friends with the couple.

C He no longer respected the elderly.

D He changed his way of getting along with older people.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句Then, I changed the way I had been with older people.可知作者改变了和年老的人相处的方式,故选D。

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A The more the manager explained, the angrier the couple got.

B The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple.

C From this experience, the writer learned more about the description of “old”.

D The writer wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience.
