
Orange juice is healthier for you if it has been frozen and defrosted(解冻), according to research. 
Scientists have discovered the body may absorb more of the orange's antioxidants(抗氧化成剂) from defrosted juice than it does from fresh or pasteurised(巴氏消毒的) juice. When orange juice is frozen and defrosted, healthy elements of the juice are broken down into smaller particles(微粒) which are easier for the intestines(肠) to soak up. These particles can turn to vitamin A, and may help to prevent heart disease.
The research by the University of Seville studied how freezing or pasteurising orange juice affected the antioxidants. They believe freezing, which is done in the food industry to preserve juice, improves the healthiness of the juice and now hope to test their theory outside of the lab.
The study focused on how available these particles are to be absorbed from the food into the blood by the intestines. Absorption into the blood and building up in organs and tissues(组织) is how the antioxidants deliver their healthy properties to the body.
Although there are fewer antioxidants in the juice after it has been defrosted, but left parts could be easier for the body to absorb. It means the overall effect is positive.
The researchers said levels of the antioxidants are highest in fresh juice but they might not be as easily absorbed. Consumers tend to think that treated juice is“less healthy” than fresh juice. However, this study shows it is not always correct.

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1.What did the study focus on?

A The absorption of the particles.

B The change of the antioxidants.

C The delivery of the blood.

D The benefits of the particles.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句The study focused on how available these particles are to be absorbed from the food into the blood by the intestines.可知研究主要关注食物中有多少成分能被肠道的血液所吸收,故选A。

2.How do the antioxidants deliver their healthy properties to the body?

A They are absorbed into the skin.

B Their healthy properties can’t be delivered to the body.

C They are absorbed into the body and built up in the stomach.

D They are absorbed into the blood and built up in organs and tissues.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句Absorption into the blood and building up in organs and tissues is how the antioxidants deliver their health-giving properties to the body.可知在这些成分被血液吸收之后,输送给器官和组织,这就是人体获取抗氧化成分的方式,故选D。

3.According to Paragraph 5, which of the following is TRUE?

A There are no antioxidants in bad oranges.

B The dry oranges could be easier for the body to absorb.

C The juice will be more expensive after it has been defrosted.

D There are fewer antioxidants in the juice after it has been defrosted.


4.Which one has the highest levels of antioxidants?

A Hot juice.

B Cold juice.

C Fresh juice.

D Pasteurised juice.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句The researchers said levels of the antioxidants are highest in fresh juice but they might not be as easily absorbed.可知新鲜橙汁中所含的抗氧化成分最多,故选C。

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A Pasteurised juice is a little bitter.

B Fresh juice is healthier than pasteurised juice.

C Orange juice is easier for the intestines to soak up.

D Orange juice is healthier if it has been frozen and defrosted.
