

A jogger who ran past bodyguards knocked into David Cameron yesterday, starting a security alert.

Dean Farley, 28, ran into the Prime Minister outside Leeds Civic Hall yesterday. Experts accused officers of allowing a “very significant security breach

(漏洞)”. Security experts pointed out that Mr Cameron could have been attacked or killed. Although he was uninjured, police faced severe criticism. An investigation has been launched to look into the incident.

Dai Davis, a former head of royal protection, said police had serious questions to answer about their failures to protect Mr Cameron yesterday. “This is a serious failure of security,’ he told the Mail. ‘There should have been a proper formation(编队)where you have an inner and outer ring of protection officers, with uniformed officers as back-up. If that had happened, this man would have got nowhere near the Prime Minister.”

But the jogger said he didn’t even know it was the Prime Minister he knocked into. He claimed he had merely “brushed into someone” and had no idea it was Mr Cameron, who was in Leeds announcing plans to improve railways in the North. He was arrested and held for 50 minutes before being released. West Yorkshire Police said it was “nothing threatening, just a man in the wrong place at the wrong time”.

Mr Davis said: “I am astonished that given the current threat level, there was not enough protection because he is a worldwide target. If there had been two or more attackers plotting an organized attack, the Prime Minister might not be here. It is more astonishing that Mr Cameron is left standing alone completely vulnerable(易受攻击的)for five to six seconds while all attention was on this man. No one gets him safely in the car.”

Andy Redhead, a former police firearms officer, also described the incident as “shocking”. “I wouldn’t be surprised if people on the team are moved to other places as a result,” he said, adding: “Fortunately the man had no acid, no knife, and no firearm.”



1.What was the security incident about?

A A young man attempted to attack the Prime Minister but was arrested.

B The protection police allowed the young man to run into the Prime Minister.

C The bodyguards didn’t stop the young man getting close to the Prime Minister.

D The young man knocked into the Prime Minister and didn’t know who he was.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,迪安•法利与卡梅伦相撞,安保人员由于疏忽,竟然没有注意到有陌生人靠近首相,尽管没有造成严重后果,但暴露了首相安保工作的纰漏。

2.What can be inferred from what Mr. Davis said in Paragraph Three?

A The protection team didn’t have a formation at all.

B There were not enough officers to protect the Prime Minister.

C The protection officers didn’t take their work seriously.

D The young man had no way but knock into the Prime Minister.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,戴维斯认为严格的安保编队是保证首相安全的前提,由此推断,这次事件说明现在的安保工作缺乏周密组织,更没有编队可言。

3.Why was Dean Farley arrested?

A He wanted to attack the Prime Minister.

B He shouldn’t have been in the way of the Prime Minister.

C He was careless and knocked into the Prime Minister.

D He was taken for a threat to the Prime Minister.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段nothing threatening, just a man in the wrong place at the wrong time可知,Dean Farley被捕是因为他被认为有可能威胁首相的生命安全,他在不合适的时间来到了一个不该去的地方。

4.What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

A The Prime Minister wouldn’t have come to Leeds.

B The Prime Minister would have been attacked or killed.

C The officers couldn’t stay with the Prime Minister.

D The attackers might take the Prime Minister away.

解析:选B。B 句意理解题。根据前文的假设If there had been two or more attackers plotting an organized attack可以推知,在袭击者周密谋划的情况下,首相是在劫难逃了,因此划线部分意为“首相将会遭遇不测”。

5.What would be the result of this security breach?

A The protection team would face criticism of the public.

B The officers of the protection team would be replaced.

C Some steps would be taken to improve the security level.

D More officers would join the team to avoid such breaches.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Andy Redhead的话I wouldn’t be surprised if people on the team are moved to other places as a result可知,安保队员有可能因为这次安全事故被调离别处。