
Lack of sleep is one of the most serious health problems for the homeless.
An average of 225 homeless people seek safety and rest on the benches in St. Boniface church in San Francisco every day, thanks to the Gubbio Project.
The Gubbio Project was co-founded in 2004 by community activists Shelly Roder and Father Louis Vitale. They started this project in response to the increasing numbers of homeless men and women in need of shelter from the streets.
“No questions are asked when our guests walk into the churches; in an effort to remove all barriers to entry, there are no sign-in sheets or intake forms. No one is ever turned away; all are welcomed, respected and treated with dignity,” the project’s website states.
While the church uses the front 1/3 of the hall for church-goers to celebrate daily mass at 12:15 pm, the Gubbio Project uses the back 2/3 of the hall.
“This sends a powerful message to our unhoused neighbors—they are an important part of the community, not to be kicked out when those with homes come in to worship,” the non-profit organization says. “It also sends a message to those attending mass—the community includes the tired, the poor, those with mental health problems and those who are wet, cold and dirty.”
In addition to a place to rest, the church offers warm blankets, socks, health experts, and massage services.

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1.Why did Shelly Roder and Father Louis Vitale start the Gubbio Project?

A Because they wanted to comfort those homeless people.

B Because there were more and more homeless people.

C Because they wanted to cure homeless people’s health problem.

D Because the church was big enough and not in full use.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句They started this project in response to the increasing numbers of homeless men and women in need of shelter from the streets.可知他们发起这个项目是因为社区无家可归的人越来越多,故选B。

2.What does a homeless person need to do when entering the church for shelter?

A Answer some questions.

B Sign on the sign-in sheets.

C Fill in the intake forms.

D Nothing.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句No questions are asked when our guests walk into the churches; in an effort to remove all barriers to entry, there are no sign-in sheets or intake forms.可知无家可归者进入这个教堂什么都不需要,不需要回答问题、不需要签到、不需要填表,没有任何障碍,故选D。

3.Which of the following has a similar meaning with the underlined word “unhoused”?

A Hungry.

B Rich.

C Homeless.

D Travelling.


4.What can we learn from the sixth paragraph?

A The homeless are important and should not be kicked out.

B All poor people can get help in the church.

C The homeless people should stay out at mass time.

D Mental health problems could be cured in the church.


5.What does the author want to tell us in the passage?

A Shelly Roder and Father Louis Vitale are good project organizers.

B Homeless people should be included and helped in the community.

C How the Gubbio Project worked to help homeless people.

D The church can set an example for other communities to help the homeless.

解析:选B。主旨大意题。根据文章内容St. Boniface church 接收无家可归者、这个项目的具体运行情况、这个项目向两类人群传递的信息可知作者是赞成这种做法的,因此他想表达的就是项目发起人要向社会传达的信息:无家可归的人很重要,不会被抛弃,故选B。