
You’ve probably already heard of China’s Didi Chuxing. It’s the ride-hailing firm best known for driving Uber off China’s streets. It is now also the world’s largest ride-hailing app. But how much do you know about its founder Cheng Wei?
Well for a start, he’s only 35 years old. “I was born in 1983,” he says. “My entire management team has a lot of people in their 30s. We bring a lot of surprises.”
Every step of the Didi journey has been well planned. His first step was to rule the market in China. His next step is to take over the world. But Cheng Wei points out that Didi’s way of entering new markets is not what most in the West may be used to.
“Didi’s global strategy may be a little different from others,” he says, smiling. “Our strategy isn’t always to do everything ourselves. But in markets where there aren’t any successful local companies, Didi will enter that market to share our experience. That’s what we’re doing right now.”
Precisely and methodically, Didi is making its move into global markets. It has already entered Japan and Taiwan. And earlier this year, it bought 99, Brazil’s leading ride-hailing app. Just this week, the company was also launching in Mexico. The move will set it up to compete against the American company Uber.
“For the past two decades, it was China who learned more from the US,” he says. “But in the next 10 years, we’ll ride on successes each other. There’s no point thinking who will be better or greater.”

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1.What made Didi Chuxing best known?

A It drove Uber out of China’s street.

B It is the world’s largest ride-hailing app.

C It’s founder and management team are young.

D It enters the global market in a different way.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句It’s the ride-hailing firm best known for driving Uber off China’s streets.可知滴滴最为人知的是把优步驱赶出中国,故选A。

2.What is Didi Chuxing’s first step in its journey to develop?

A To make a good plan.

B To rule the Chinese market.

C To take over the global market.

D To compete against Uber.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句His first step was to rule the market in China.可知滴滴出行的第一步就是统治中国市场,故选B。

3.How will Didi Chuxing enter the area without successful companies?

A To drive other companies out.

B To buy the successful companies.

C To enter and share its experience.

D To start a new business mode.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第三句But in markets where there aren’t any successful local companies, Didi will enter that market to share our experience.可知在没有同类成功公司的国家,滴滴出行将直接进入并分享其在中国的成功经验,故选C。

4.In which country can’t you find Didi Chuxing now?

A Japan.

B Brazil.

C Mexico.

D America.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第五段第二、三四句It has already entered Japan and Taiwan. And earlier this year, it bought 99, Brazil’s leading ride-hailing app. Just this week, the company was also launching in Mexico. 可知滴滴出行已经进军日本、巴西和墨西哥,文中说到进军墨西哥会与美国公司优步产生竞争,但并未说到进军美国,故选D。

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A It is not sure who will be a greater company between Uber and Didi Chuxing.

B America will learn from China in many ways in the next ten years.

C Didi will bring in its team and experience in all the other countries when it enters.

D Usually global companies buy similar companies when it enters a new area.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段“For the past two decades, it was China who learned more from the US,” he says. “But in the next 10 years, we’ll ride on successes each other. There’s no point thinking who will surpass who.”可知过去中国向美国学习了很多,但是未来将会是各自成功各自学习,因此没有意义去想哪家公司会超越哪家公司,也不清楚哪家公司会超越哪家公司,故选A。