
A food courier defeated a master from Peking University and won CCTV’s Chinese Poetry Competition on April 4.
Lei Haiwei kept calm during the final of the third season of CCTV's Chinese Poetry Competition on Wednesday night. He became the champion after beating Peng Min, a master of literature from China's top university.
Lei, 37, from Shaoyang, Hunan Province, is now working as a food delivery man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. His interest in poetry was inspired by his father, who would write poems down, stick them on the wall of the kitchen and teach him to read them from a young age.
Lei missed the opportunity of going to university due to the frequent school transfers when he was growing up. But that didn't cut down his love for poetry. Since he was too poor to buy books, Lei would memorize poems in bookstores and write them out when he went back home. He used this unique method to accumulate more than 1,000 poems.
Lei moved to Hangzhou in 2008. Now, as a busy food courier, he reads and memorizes poems using his mobile phone while waiting for food to be delivered. It helps him relax during his fast-paced life. Last November, Lei went to Beijing and began recording the TV show after standing out from more than 70,000 people who signed up for the competition. After winning, Lei returned to Hangzhou and continued his delivery work and the memorizing of poems. 
Lei's outstanding performance during the final, and his inspirational story, have amazed Chinese audiences. “His love of learning is so pure. It moved me to tears,” one netizen said. “It always amazes me how some people simply hunger for knowledge,” another shared.

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1.Where does Lei Haiwei work now?

A In Shaoyang.

B In Beijing.

C In Hangzhou.

D In Shanghai.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Lei, 37, from Shaoyang, Hunan Province, is now working as a food delivery man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.可知现在雷海为现在在杭州工作,故选C。

2.What does the underlined phrase “due to” mean?

A In spite of.

B Because of.

C According to.

D As a result.

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据画线短语所在句子Lei missed the opportunity of going to university due to the frequent school transfers when he was growing up可知画线句子前后分别是说他没有上大学和成长过程中经常转学,因此后者是前者的原因,因此due to的意思是because of,故选B。

3.Why did Lei Haiwei choose to write poets down rather than buy the books?

A Because those books were not good enough.

B Because he thought those books were too expensive.

C Because he was too poor to afford them.

D Because he moved often.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第三句 Since he was too poor to buy books, Lei would memorize poems in bookstores and write them out when he returned home.可知雷海为跑到书店抄书而不是买书是因为太穷了买不起,故选C。

4.How is Lei’s daily life?

A Fast-paced.

B Highly-stressed.

C Light-minded.

D Fully-stuffed.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第五段第三句It helps him relax during his fast-paced life.可知雷海为的工作是快节奏的,故选A。

5.How did people feel about Lei Haiwei’s story?

A Interested.

B Inspired.

C Humorous.

D Bored and dull.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段出现的inspirational, moved, amazes等词可知大家对雷海为的故事感到震惊,认为他的故事是激励人的,故选C。