
The number of deaths in the train crash that took place in Beheira Province northern the capital Cairo on Wednesday has risen to 15. “The number of victims of Beheira train crash mounted to 15 dead and 40 wounded so far,” MENA quoted Transport Ministry’s spokesman Mohamed Ezz as saying.

Transport Minister Hesham Arafat hurried to the accident place to follow up the developments. Beheira security chief Alaa El-Din Abdel-Fattah explained earlier on Wednesday that the accident took place as two cabins went out of the rail from a passenger train and hit a cargo train in Kom Hamada district of Beheira. Health Ministry’s spokesman Khaled Megahed said that more than 30 ambulances have rushed to the crash place to move the wounded people to nearby hospitals.

“They raised alert to the highest degree in the province’s hospitals of Damanhour, Wady al-Natroun and Kafr al-Dawwar to receive any cases,” Megahed said in the statement. Egypt’s government sent an engineering team to find out the reasons behind the crash.

Egypt saw a number of deadly train accidents over the past few years in which hundreds were killed and wounded. Last August, the collision of two trains in the coastal province of Alexandria northern Cairo left at least 49 dead and more than 100 injured.

1.What does the underlined word “mounted” mean in Chinese?

A 上升

B 下降

C 减少

D 平衡


2.How many people died in the Beheira train crash by now?

A 15

B 40

C 49

D 100


3.Why did many ambulances rush to the crash place?

A To send medicine to the wounded.

B To send doctors to the wounded.

C To move the wounded to the hospital.

D To send the dead to their family.


4.What’s the aim of the engineering team?

A To give comfort to the wounded.

B To design a better railway system.

C To send medicine to the wounded.

D To find out the reasons behind the crash.


5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A It’s dangerous to travel by train in Egypt.

B There were many train accidents in Egypt.

C There will be more deaths in Beheira train crash.

D The crash happened because the rail was broken.
