
      Take a step forward. A group shot is one of the most common set-ups for a photo on a night out, but how do you make sure you stand out from the crowd? Fisher suggests taking a small step of the rest of the group, so you are positioned slightly in front. “That position can give the effect of being taller,” he explained.
       Stand front and centre. Another tip for standing out in a group shot is to take the centre position. It is the
easiest way to ensure you’ll like how you look in the photo.
      Work out your quirks(怪动作). Fisher said, “To really perfect your pose, it’s important to spend some time practicing in front of a mirror and observing various positions, pouts(噘嘴) and poses you have. Take note of what you are most comfortable with and if there are some quirks that you want to avoid.”
      Try this fail-safe(万无一失的) pose. “No matter what pose you go for, there is one fail-safe option that you can always fall back on. Be sure to keep your chin up, look straight down the camera lens and stand tall for a more attractive pose,” Fisher said. “Most importantly, feel confident.”

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1.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “shot”?

A 射击.

B 照片.

C 得分

D 镜头.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题 。 根据 后文 中 的 “a photo”“the crowd”“the group”等可知本句谈论的是集体照是晚上外出必拍的,由此可知 shot 是“照片”的意思,故选 B。

2.__________ can make you look taller in a photo.

A Taking a small step forward.

B Standing out from a group

C Going out at night

D Taking the centre position

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。第一段中最后一句“That position can give the effect of being taller”中的 position 指的就是前文中提到的“taking a small step”, 故选 A。

3.How should you perfect your pose?

A Take a step forward.

B Stand front and centre.

C Practice more in front of a mirror.

D Keep your chin up..

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的 To really perfect your pose, it’s important to spend some time practicing in front of a mirror...可知,为了让拍照姿势更完美,你要花时间在镜子前做练习,故选 C

4.A frail-safe pose doesn’t include__________.

A falling on your back

B keeping your chin up

C . looking straight down the camera lens

D standing tall and feeling confident

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中 Be sure to keep your chin up, look straight down the camera lens and stand tall for a more flattering pose,” Fisher said. “Most importantly, feel confident.”可知,B、 C、D 三项都包括,只有 A 项不符合,故选 A。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A How to Be Taller in a Photo

B Some Ways to Take a Good Photo

C Tips for Standing Out in a Group Photo

D A Frail-safe Pose for Taking Photos

解析:选C。C 文章标题题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了集体合影时可以让你在照片中更显眼的四 个技巧,C 项最符合文意。故选 C。