Oakwood 公园居民的烦恼
Oakwood 公园居民的烦恼


Residents fed up with the traveler invasions have dug a 4ft-deep trench around a park to stop them setting up camp again. An excavator has been used to dig the trench at Oakwood Park in Derby. Community leaders also asked some residents to stand guard at the entrance of the park in case travelers try to break onto the land.
Two months ago travelers left rubbish at the park after 30 of them arrived last August. Now residents are taking action to prevent them from returning. “Consequently we have had to take action, city council has supported us. The trench has been built, so they can't come back this way and bollards have been put at the other entrances, so they cannot come back. Unfortunately we know these travelers have ways and means to get back and I can't guarantee they won't be back but it'll be difficult for them.” Resident Donna Ward said, “These people have paid about £350,000 for their houses and they have to look upon people who pay nothing at all and disturb their lives.”
Another resident added, “It's not a happy situation to have to build a trench and we've not had a problem here for 35 years, but it's made residents realize that these people have no consideration for anyone. Last August the travelers moved onto Oakwood Park and left a trail of rubbish. When they left we thought that might be the end of it.? But when they took the place over again earlier this year we knew that the park was obviously seen as an easy park to stay. The sad fact is that this is a war. And I suppose a trench is symbolic of the residents fighting back. The police are powerless to stop travelers so I'm grateful the council has taken some direct action.”

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1.What did the residents do to stop the travelers?

A They bought an excavator.

B They even built another park.

C They broke onto the land.

D They even acted as the guards.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句的Community leaders also asked some residents to stand guard at the entrance of the park in case travelers try to break onto the land.可以得知一些居民亲自担任保卫来驱赶那些游客。故选D。

2.Why did the residents dislike the travelers?

A The travelers’ lives were disturbed.

B The travelers made the park very dirty.

C The travelers once paid £350,000.

D The travelers never came back again.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句的Two months ago travelers left rubbish at the park after 30 of them arrived last August.可以得知那些游客来了后扔了很多垃圾,因此是因为他们弄脏公园才让居民生气的。故选B。

3.How did Donna Ward think of the travelers?

A Grateful.

B Useless.

C Unacceptable.

D Interesting.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句的These people have paid about £350,000 for their houses and they have to look upon people who pay nothing at all and disturb their lives可以得知居民付出了那么多钱,然而生活受到打扰,因此游客的行为是“不可接受的”。故选C。