

It is hard to believe, but there is now a banana with that has an edible peel. Most people would never think of eating the peel of a banana. However, banana farmers in Japan created a technique of growing bananas with a peel we can eat. Farmers keep their banana trees at a low temperature of -60 Centigrade. Then they replant the trees in 27 Centigrade. The big change in temperature makes the tree suddenly grow. This makes the banana peel thin and soft enough to eat.
The new banana is called the "Mongee". They are not cheap. One banana costs 648 yen  (about six dollars). The farmers have not grown a lot of Mongee bananas, so the price is high. Japan gets 99% of its bananas from other countries. The Mongee means Japanese people will eat more home-grown bananas. The Mongee banana peel is very sweet and contains many kinds of nutrients

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1.What is hard to believe from the passage?

A Grow a pink banana.

B Eat 100 bananas in a day.

C Grow bananas in the desert.

D Grow a banana with edible peel.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句It is hard to believe, but there is now a banana with that has an edible peel.可知这似乎很难相信,但现在香蕉皮真的可以吃,故选D。

2.Who created a special technique in Japan?

A Banana farmers.

B Banana buyers.

C Banana sellers.

D Banana chefs.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句 However, banana farmers in Japan created a technique of growing bananas with a peel we can eat. 可知日本的蕉农发明了一种特殊技术,能够种植香蕉皮可以吃的香蕉,故选A。

3.Farmers keep their banana trees at a low temperature of_____.

A -63 Centigrade

B -60 Centigrade

C -33 Centigrade

D -27 Centigrade

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段第四句Farmers keep their banana trees at a low temperature of -60 Centigrade.可知蕉农将香蕉树种植在零下60摄氏度的地方,故选B。

4.How much is one Mongee banana?

A 87 yen.

B 99 yen.

C 648 yen.

D 666 yen.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第三句One banana costs 648 yen (about six dollars). 可知一根Mongee香蕉648日元(约6美元)。故选C。

5.What’s the meaning of “nutrients”?

A 激素

B 色素

C 有害物质

D 营养元素

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句The Mongee banana peel is very sweet and contains many kinds of nutrients. 并结合全文可知nutrients意为“营养物,营养元素”,故选D。