Give me five的正确打开方式
Give me five的正确打开方式


In America, “give me five” or “give me the high five” is very popular. If someone says to you “give me five”, do not look for five dollars for him in your wallet! The person is not asking for your money, but your hand.
You can often see it in films and on TV. It means clapping of each other’s hands together. People sometimes do it when they celebrate something good. For example, the football players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrate when their team wins a game.
“Give me five” may come from the ancient Rome gesture(手势). One person showed that he does not keep any sharp(锋利的) things in his hand, so he raised the right arm for the emperor(皇帝). It is not dangerous for the emperor to meet this person. 

        本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.“Give me five” means __________.

A giving me a hand

B clapping hands with me

C giving me five dollars

D looking for some money

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句It means clapping of each other’s hands together.可知它的意思是“击掌”,故选B。

2.Why do people the high five?

A To ask for money.

B To look for the wallet.

C To see a good film.

D To celebrate a good thing.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句People sometimes do it when they celebrate something good.可知人们有时会在庆祝好事发生时会这样做,故选D。

3.Where does “give me five” come from according to the passage?

A America.

B England.

C Ancient China.

D Ancient Rome.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Give me five” may come from the ancient Rome gesture.可知“give me five”可能是来自古罗马的手势,故选D。

4.The word “raised” means “__________” in Chinese.

A 喂养

B 坐着

C 躺下

D 举起

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。前文讲到“Give me five”是击掌的意思,结合后文的right arm(右手臂)可推断应是“举起右手臂”,故raised意为“举起”,故选D。

5.Why did the person do the gesture “give me five” at first?

A To show he had no dangerous things in hand.

B To show his strong arm to the emperor.

C To tell the emperor he was in danger.

D To tell it was an ancient Rome gesture.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知这个人为了展示他手里没有锋利的东西,所以他向皇帝举起右手,即为了表明他手里没有危险物品,故选A。