


A US firm has launched a “smart lock” that can let you into your home using a mobile phone - and you don’t even need to take the phone out of your pocket to open the door. The August lock costs $249 and can even be set to automatically let in friends or workmen.

August was created by technology entrepreneur(企业家)Jason Johnson and industrial designer Yves Behar, and the gadget(产品)finally goes on sale and in Apple Stores this week.  It is made of “durable(耐用的)anodized aluminum” and can be activated and managed using a mobile app and online. It is connected to the existing door lock and is battery-operated. 

To open the lock, anyone with a code can approach the door, enable their phone’s Bluetooth and press the relevant address from the app. The lock takes a few seconds to scan and confirm the visitor’s identity. Once the identity is confirmed the circle of red dots on the front of the device turns green and the August lock twists to release the door. A doorbell chime will also ring to let homeowners know when someone enters the house while they’re in another room.

The makers claim that it takes just 10 minutes to install. To grant keyless access to friends, family and other visitors, the homeowner must send them an invite. This can be done using existing contacts from the homeowner’s phone’s address book, or using Facebook contacts, but the other person must have the app to receive the unique access code.

When someone enters the house, the homeowner is sent a push notification(通知). Another notification is sent when the person leaves. This means homeowners can keep track of how long cleaners or builders spend in the house and every visitor’s details and visit information is stored on a Log.

The lock can also be used to let people into a party, for example, without having to open the door each time.



1.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A “Smart lock” can be set automatically to let the house owner in.

B Friends and workmen can enter your house using their mobile phones.

C The August lock is on sale at the price of $249.

D A “smart lock” can be opened using a mobile phone.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知,本文的主要内容是介绍美国一家公司制造智能锁以及用智能手机开锁的情况。

2.How can the August Lock be opened with a mobile phone?

A The lock will open with the code and the visitor’s identity confirmed.

B The lock will open after confirming the visitor’s address from the app.

C The lock will open if the visitor turns the red dots into green ones.

D The lock will open if the visitor twists it using the code.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段…anyone with a code…The lock takes a few seconds to scan and confirm the visitor’s identity可知,智能锁通过验证密码及来访者的身份之后才能打开。

3.Why should the homeowner send the invite?

A The homeowner wants to communicate with them by inviting them home.

B They can come into the house without using a key.

C The homeowner sends an invite to grant them admission to the house.

D Without an invite you can’t contact with others on Facebook.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段To grant keyless access to friends, family and other visitors the homeowner must send them an invite.可知,主人可以通过发送邀请的方式给朋友、家人等授权,使其能够用手机打开房门。

4.What is implied in the passage?

A A smart lock can be very expensive and few can afford it.

B Smart lock changes the traditional roles of locks and keys.

C The process of opening the August Lock is very complicated.

D It is convenient and safe to live a life without taking too many keys.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章对智能锁的应用判断,这项发明将改变人们对钥匙的传统印象,手机的广泛应用将使人们很快进入没有钥匙就能开门的时代。

5.What is the importance of notification?

A The homeowner can confirm the visitor’s identity with the notification.

B The homeowner can keep track of how long the visitor stays in the house.

C The homeowner can keep an eye on what the visitor is doing in the house.

D The notification can remind the visitor when he should leave the house.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第五段This means homeowners can keep track of how long cleaners or builders spend in the house可知,“通知消息”能够使主人对来访者的逗留时间进行跟踪。