

My daughter recently asked what she should do with some money she’s been saving over the past few months. As a teenager she makes the most of her chances of making money.

Her mom and I were divorced(离婚), and though we do our best to be better parents, we do have different views on money, and offer our kids different directions. Their mom is all about being a careful user. She has the kids buy their own clothes, pay for sports equipment and pet supplies, and save whatever’s left over for a dream buy.

I encourage them to keep a balance between spending and investments. I’m happy to provide clothes and basic sports equipment. I’m a father who fills his daughter’s tank(水箱)sometimes at the pump. I have them pay reasonable hobbies, including music downloads, movies, and lunches with friends. After that, I encourage them to save for the long term.

I’ve set up accounts for them to invest in stocks with me and my planners guide them. It’s not much money, but over the years they’ve saved enough that they are able to learn first-hand about danger and return.

“Want to add to your investment account(账户)?” I asked.

“Not really,” my daughter said. “The economy is falling over the time. I don’t want to lose any more money.”

Of course, she’s kind of right. But I don’t want a falling economy to make her afraid to invest.


1.What is most probably the author’s daughter now?

A A student.

B A babysitter.

C A doctor.

D A lawyer.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。文章第一段提到,女儿问我该怎么处理几个月攒的钱,接着又说,作为一个十来岁的孩子,她利用一切机会攒钱。根据她的年龄推测,她应该还未工作。

2.From the second paragraph we know the author’s ex-wife ______.

A never cares how her daughter manages money

B never gives her daughter allowance and gifts

C teaches her daughter to control money carefully

D buys all the clothes and pet supplies for her daughter

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。妻子是一个careful user,也就是说妻子在花钱方面是十分谨慎的。由此可推断,她应该鼓励孩子花钱也要谨慎。

3.The underlined word “investment” means “________” in Chinese.

A 浪费

B 发明

C 投资

D 破产

解析:选C。C 词义推测题。从下文担心损失钱,可推知是“投资”的意思。

4.From the Paragraph 3 we know the author often _______.

A doesn’t courage his daughter in managing money

B encourages his daughter in managing money

C punishes his daughter for spending more

D brings much water for his daughter at school

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。第三段第一句是本段主题句,我鼓励孩子们尽量做到收支平衡,鼓励他们该花就花,但还要为长期做打算。划线部分字面意思是“我是那种会偶尔给女儿的水箱加满水的父亲”,说明作者经常鼓励女儿积极管理金钱。

5.What causes the author’s daughter not to invest more?

A Her careful mother.

B The falling economy.

C His order and teaching.

D Her own need of money now

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。由文章最后作者和女儿的对话可知,经济下滑,女儿不想再损失钱,也不想再投资了。说明女儿是因为经济形势不好才不敢投资的。