China’s mobile payment platform WeChat Pay will work in Italy for the first time, the company announced on Monday.
WeChat Pay is the payment arm of WeChat, the instant-messaging app operated by Tencent.
Tencent made a deal with Docomo Digital, a digital payment solutions provider. Then it made the announcement. It is the latest action by WeChat Pay in its competition with its largest rival, China’s Alipay, for the growing market created by Chinese tourists visiting Europe.
In Italy, the payment technology will be enabled by Docomo Digital. Chinese travelers will be able to make a payment through the WeChat app on their phone, by scanning the bar code on the payment terminal hosted by retailers.
WeChat has 980 million active users per month. In 2017, WeChat Pay was used by Chinese consumers at an average rate of 1 million deals per minute.
Monday’s announcement means Italian brands can sign up to accept payments through WeChat Pay. So far, none of them installed a payment terminal, meaning Chinese shoppers will still need to wait a while before such payments will be accepted. WeChat Pay started looking for opportunities across Europe in 2015 by opening an office in Italy, although actual payment only started in 2017, first in the United Kingdom and France.

本时文内容由奇速英语国际教育研究院原创编写,未经书面授权,禁止复制和任何商业用途,版权所有,侵权必究!(投稿及合作联系:028-84400718  QQ:757722345)

1.Who does the action aim at?

A Italian tourists visiting China.

B Chinese tourists visiting Europe.

C Chinese online shoppers.

D European online shoppers.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句It is the latest action by WeChat Pay in its competition with its largest rival, China’s Alipay, for the growing market created by Chinese tourists visiting Europe.可知微信支付这一举动是为了迎合去欧洲旅行的中国游客,故选B。

2.Why did WeChat make a deal with Docomo Digital before the announcement?

A Because Docomo Digital is a big retailer.

B Because it needed Docomo Digital to offer service.

C Because Docomo Digital can attract more users.

D Because Docomo Digital gave good ad ideas.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段第一句Tencent made a deal with Docomo Digital, a digital payment solutions provider. 和第四段第一句In Italy, the payment technology will be enabled by Docomo Digital. 可知Docomo Digital是一个电子支付方案提供商,是其使得微信支付在意大利得以能够运行,因此腾讯与其达成协议是因为需要Docomo Digital提供服务,故选B。

3.What is Alipay according to the passage?

A An instant-messaging app.

B An online shopping app.

C An oversea shopping app.

D A mobile payment platform.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段第一句China’s mobile payment platform WeChat Pay和第三段第三句It is the latest action by WeChat Pay in its competition with its largest rival, China’s Alipay可知WeChat Pay是一种移动支付平台,它在与Alipay竞争,再结合全文可知微信支付主要是提供移动支付方式,因此Alipay是一个移动支付应用,故选D。

4.In which countries can you use WeChat Pay? ① France. ②Germany. ③The UK. ④ Italy.

A ①②③

B ①②④

C ①③④

D ②③④

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段China’s mobile payment platform WeChat Pay will work in Italy for the first time, the company announced on Monday.和最后一段最后一句WeChat Pay started exploring opportunities across Europe in 2015 by opening an office in Italy, although actual payment only started in 2017, first in the United Kingdom and France.可知意大利、英国和法国可以实用微信支付,包含①③④项,故选C。

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A WeChat Pay enters Italy.

B Battles in mobile payment.

C A large number of mobile payments.

D Good news for Chinese travelers.
