
A Japanese astronaut who is living on the International Space Station says he has grown 9 cm since arriving there just over three weeks ago.
Astronauts usually grow two to five cm in space. This is because the backbones spread apart without gravity.
Norishige Kanai wrote on social media he was worried he would not fit into the seat of the Russian Soyuz vehicle that is due to bring him home in June. Mr Kanai said online, “Good morning, everybody. I have a major announcement today. We had our bodies measured after reaching space, and wow, wow, wow, I had actually grown by as much as 9 cm! I grew like some plant in just three weeks. Nothing like this happened since high school. I’m a bit worried whether I’ll fit in the Soyuz seat when I go back.”
The Soyuz spacecraft which takes the astronauts from and to Earth has a limit on seating height. If crew members become too tall, it could pose a problem.
Astronauts can grow while in space and return to a normal height when they go back to Earth. “Nine cm is a lot, but it is possible, knowing that every human body is different,” Libby Jackson of the UK Space Agency said. “You do get taller in space as your backbones spread apart, usually by about two to five cm. There’s a range of growth for different people, and everybody responds differently.”
This is the first space mission for the Japanese astronaut who was a diving medical officer with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

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1.Why do people grow taller in space?

A Because they have special food in space.

B Because backbones spread apart without gravity.

C Because they have special medicine in space.

D Because growing in space is easier than on earth.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句This is because the backbones spread apart without gravity.可知宇航员在太空中会长高是因为没有重力的情况下人的脊椎会放松延伸,故选B。

2.What was Norishige’s worry?

A His height will not return to a normal height.

B His suit will not fit him anymore.

C He will not fit the Russian Soyuz vehicle.

D He is different form other people.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句I’m a bit worried whether I’ll fit in the Soyuz seat when I go back.可知金井担心的是长高了就不再适合返回地球的飞船座位了,故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “pose” mean in Chinese?

A 处理.

B 解决.

C 引起.

D 分析.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据前面的has a limit on seating height, become too tall可知返回舱对坐高有限制,变得太高的话应该是会引起问题,故选C。

4.How many times has Norishige been to the space?

A 0.

B 1.

C 2.

D 3.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段This is the first space mission for the Japanese astronaut who was a diving medical officer with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.可知这是金井第一次进入太空,因此他只到过太空一次,故选B。

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A You can grow taller without gravity.

B Go to space if you want to be taller.

C Problems caused by fast growing.

D A Japanese astronaut grows 9 cm in space.

解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据文章第一段A Japanese astronaut who is living on the International Space Station says he has grown 9cm since arriving there just over three weeks ago.可知本文主要内容为日本宇航员在太空长高了9厘米,故选D。